Hi there David: I waited 1 month after surgery & wish I hadn't waited that long. Granted, my facial paraylsis is total, Brackman scale 6.
It's really an easy procedure; before the surgery my eyelids were wide open - looked like a skeleton; the weight gives a more 'natural'
appearance, besides the fact that it helps to protect the cornea. I also had the lower lid pulled up (& 2 more times since then).
If at any time you regain movement, they can remove the weight. I prefer the platinum chain becasue it's a heavier metal then gold &
is flatter & less noticeable (the gold is hardly noticeable as it is - I've had both).
I'm hoping to have a piece of palate placed in my lower eyelid to help keep the lid in place - my paralysis is so severe that every few months or
so I notice the lower lid starting to droop again....
Always good thoughts, Nancy
ps: K: I can't imagine what you went thru - having the paralysis at such a young age... no 'AN forum', heck, no computers in every household! You, my dear, amaze me!