It may be a moot point for you, but for anyone else who may have purchased their TransEar using a MasterCard (or I assume Visa - possibly others), check the provisions of your card. Many carry an extended warranty, as long as you have the proper documentation for the purchase. I had exactly the same expiration date - 4 January 08 - and did my homework before deciding whether to purchase the extended warranty or not. MasterCard told me it can be repaired as many times as needed within the next year at no cost to me (I can wait for it to be effectively billed to MasterCard, or I can pay it and not have to wait for the device to come back weeks later - or more - by putting the charge for the repairs on my card and then submitting the paperwork to get a credit of the same amount. It's a great alternative to the warranty, if people are short on cash - a tiny bit more of a hassle to get all the documentation, charge the repair, and wait for the credit back, but still accomplishes the same thing. (The limit in the next year is actually the cost of the TransEar, but that would take an awful lot of repairs, which I don't expect.)