I was on 600mg for about 5 months then went off it.
It didn't help me with Headaches.
The lifesaver for me has been imitrex.
I just visited the Diamond Headache clinic in Chicago because I was tired of not being given answer to my headaches. I was FINALLY diagnosed with migraines without aura. They're atypical because mine reside in my face along the trigeminal nerve on the affected and unaffected surgery side. This makes sense to me since my tumor superiorly elevated the trigeminal nerve and it was involved with the tumor. I don't know if Doctors would support my theory but it makes sense to me.
I also read that with migraines, the pain signals travel along the trigeminal nerve to the brain. If my trigeminal nerve path is "miswired" or faulty, I think the pain is getting stuck there. Again, I'm not a doctor but it makes sense to me.
I was given topomax (25mg for 1 week followed by 50mg daily) as a preventative. I was also prescribed an over the counter herbal remedy called Migrainerelief. It has fever few, riboflavin and magnesium in it.
I am really happy that I explored the headaches with a specialist. I didn't feel supported by my neurologist post surgery. As happy as I was with his work I didn't feel that I was given the support or direction on handling the headaches or the cause of them.
If you are interested in more tips for keeping migraines at bay, please email me.