So we are booked for gamma knife at Royal hallamshire in 10 days time
(this for the other side, NF2, - thankfully much smaller-13mm)
Not easy for an NF2 to make a choice - all roads seem to lead to Rome
(If you get my meaning)
The Hallamshire results for NF2 were that good that the "NF2 Crew" spent
two days challanging the results
Clear in my mind is that few treatment options can actually reverse
any hearing loss - it does happen (1% ?) - but no-one knows quite why
Also they have found my genetic anomally - but it took two attempts
which does suggest a form of "mosaicism"
Complex, but basically it maybe good news as not all the body is potentially
"at risk"
Surgery is booked to nip/tuck under my right eye - to help with dryness
and improve the cosmetic slightly (Mar07)
Oh and I did my first full day at work - mainly training etc
So a quiet week all round really...
Best regards