LOCAL SUPPORT GROUP MEETING INVITATIONPlease plan to join us at the next meeting of your local Acoustic Neuroma Support Group.
We welcome you to learn about the latest treatment options, to network with other acoustic neuroma
patients and find encouragement and support.
DATE/TIME:Saturday, January 16, 2016
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
San Diego Gamma Knife Center9834 Genesee Ave. #110
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: 858-452-5020 or
Paul Loflin, Coordinator, 858-204-9155
TOPICS:Tour of Gamma Knife Center - Overview of Gamma Knife Technology
Presented by Kenneth Ott, MD, FACS, Neurosurgeon
Q&A Session - Overview of Treatment Options for Acoustic Neuroma Risks, Benefits and OutcomesCaring and SharingTO RSVP, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SUPPORT GROUP LEADERS:Helen McHargue, Local Support Group Leader/Facilitator
Helen McHargue, an acoustic neuroma post-treatment patient, will facilitate meeting.
NOTE: Social Media SitesFacebook - Acoustic Neuroma Association San Diego Support Group (ANASDSG)
ANA San Diego Support Group Blog -
www.anasandiegosupport.blogspot.comWho should attend? Family members, caregivers, friends and interested persons are encouraged to attend.
Benefits of attending a local support group include communicating in a nurturing, non-judgmental environment
with others who have shared a common acoustic neuroma experience; sharing information on dealing with specific problems,
educational opportunities about the latest acoustic neuroma topics of interest; and providing emotional support to all patients,
both pre- and post-treatment. This helps in reducing the isolation and loneliness that many acoustic neuroma patients feel.