Hi kjmema and welcome! Another Boston brat here! :) Just outside on Rt 128/I-93!
OMG! We have everything right here in our backyard!
MGH for microsurgery and Proton radiation for AN treatments!
Beth Israel for Cyberknife Radiation
Tufts and Providence for GammaKnife Radiation
Brigham Womans for Novalis radiation
MGH and BW have FAB brain surgeons (MGH with McKenna/Barker.... BW for Peter Black)
Your AN is small... sounds like you are doing what you need to at this stage... know that there are many of us locally and we've all had different treatments (ie: Crazykat Paul, jcinma Jane and kbonner Katie had surgery at MGH, I've had Cyberknife at BI, ellenvig ellen had Gammaknife at Providence) and we are always around to loan our good ears.
hang in there... and know that we're here for you. The drinks are watered down but we're here to help!