I would beg to differ and advice considering cyber-knife to toast the tumor because if AN grows beyond certain size, cyberknife may no long stay on your options list. An invasive surgery will become a compulsion.
Aftermath of surgery is not so good feeling IMO. I had mild hearing loss which is now fully deaf, facial palsy (which will take its own time to recover) and inability to close eye-lid (and blink it as a normal function) is a major pain in the butt. Now I am driving around town like "Danger Mouse" with one eye patched up. I only wish if my ENTs had told me to see neurologist 4 years ago when I went to them (3 different ENTs) instead of just telling me "it's just wax, nothing to worry"...
Discuss all the options you have with your neurologist and pros/cons of early/delayed treatment. In the end, it's your life and your decision.
Good luck.