I haven't been on here for quite awhile. I've been doing the "watch & wait" thing for a couple of years. Of course, I see my specialist every 6-9 months or so. Last MRI was January 2016 (next one is October). I've noticed that my hearing isn't as sharp as it was, and background noise tends to make me hear like Woody from Snoopy ---Wa, wa, wa! I saw my dr, who said, it's time to get this thing out. Hearing test show slight decline, and I have nystagmus(?), whatever that really means. So I go see the surgeon, and we decide that my best option is the middle fossa approach. I'm a full time student, in my last 2 semesters of school, 2 school age kids, so I opted to schedule surgery during my winter break, as to not miss clinicals, and still graduate on time in May. Strangely, this week, I took a nap with my daughter and when I woke up, it's like my head is under water, or like wind blowing into a microphone. I can't stand to hear bass in music, tv (with all the scene change music), dogs bark, my ears feel full. I'm not congested, or have any type of cold. I took a Mucinex, hoping maybe drainage. No help. I tried a claritin the next morning, again no help. So dr is putting me on steroids, thinking maybe the nerve is aggitated.
Has anyone else had this type of thing? I can't even describe it, but crying is becoming more of thing
My teeth have been hurting lately on the left side of my face....is that normal? Metal taste in that left corner of my mouth.....I hate this. I want it to be over!!!!!