I know that I've heard dural adhesions listed as one of the possible reasons for chronic daily headache following cranioplasty....I too have chronic daily headache, though not severe, and have since about 6 months after my AN (middle fossa) surgery in 2011. I tried acupuncure, cranialsacral, meds, nerve blocks, etc. I also looked into peripheral nerve excision or decompression, based on some recommendations here, but after talking with the surgeon, we determined that I was likely not a candidate. And my headache guy said he had patients who had done nerve excision and then experienced a horrifiying condition akin to "phantom limb" pain, only with nerve pain. Awful. Will you keep us posted on how your procedure goes? For my part, for anyone who is interested, I took indomethacin for 2 years and it did control the headache, but I didn't like the side effects nor the prospect of bleeding ulcers. I found that I could transition to taking curamid, a highly potent form of curcumin (made from turmeric) and it almost completely knocks it back. No side effects. It's expensive, but so was the indomethacin, and so for now I'm living with low level manageable pain and relying on the curamid (extra strength) 4 tablets twice a day. It works for me, but so do all of those (now forbidden) over the counter meds. Just can't use them. At any rate, best of luck to you, so sorry you've had to deal with this for so very long. And please do let us know how the dural procedure goes.