hello, neetze,
don't be sad, as somebody said in this thread, there really are far more terrible things that can happen to somebody than a AN (and I have way more problems than the average AN-patient!). Getting a lot of information is the best thing you can do. It is important to have the surgery done by somebody who actually performs it very, very often. You will find out who that is in your region (or elsewhere). I think it is also a good idea to inform only the people who will be helpful in an essential way. I had the impression that telling "everybody" just would distract me, when I needed concentration. You will find the best way to deal with it, and you will see that things get less scary day by day (and the more you get used to the idea of what is happening to you).
kind regards
2009 diagnosis (AN 3 cm diameter), 2010: surgery, then regrowth. 2011: GK; first darkening of the tumor, then regrowth. Now awaiting new treatment (surgery).