I do not think these headaches are normal. I did not have headaches a year ago and have never been on other drugs up until surgery.
I do like my Neourologists and we have tried several medications, he told me it would not be chronic and within 6 months we should have it cured, welll..my faith is losing out. Now he thinks I am having rebound headaches, which maybe?, and I should tough it out for several days or a week, is he kidding?
This is what I am doing:
Divalproex 1000mg(Depakote), Tizidine 4mg at , Doxepine 25mg all taken at night.
I think Divalproex and Tizidine have helped the occiciptal headache behind one eye, but done nothing for the vice, throbing headaches that start at incision, neck area and throb every where in head.
Doxepine is new for 2 weeks and only gives side effects.
Immitrex for onset of headache which is almost every day.
So if I take 1 Alleve early afternoon I feel good all day, if I do not I will take Immitrex when headache starts to throb. My cycle is Alleve one day, Immitrex the next and it is not good so now what?
Neurologist thinks I should tough it out before I do Botox, I do not think I could handle that. I takes 1 hour with Immitex and it is unbearable!
When I get headache, the AN side of neck and face gets hot, swollen and throbs anyone else? Good luck to other suffers and if I get releif I will pass on. Thank you , Bell