Tod ~
I underwent debulking surgery (retrosigmoid) for a large (4.5 cm) AN in 2006 and it worked out very well. The neurosurgeon basically carved out the center of the tumor and it collapsed on itself. By doing this he also cut off it's blood supply. The goal was to avoid disturbing the facial and other nerves. This was accomplished and I had almost no post-op complications. MY pre-op symptoms disappeared within 24 hours after the surgery. 90 days later, I underwent 26 carefully 'mapped' FSR treatments intended to destroy the DNA in the remains of the tumor. That appears to have worked out, too. Three years later, I'm fine and no signs of re-growth. My individual experience isn't a guarantee that every AN patient that has the same plan of treatment will have identical results - but it is encouraging...which is why I'm posting it to you.