Connie - I am a "wait and watch" patient for the past 3-1/2 years. My tumor is actually on the 9th cranial nerve (as opposed to acoustic on the 8th cranial nerve). I have been followed by serial MRI's and, in this time frame, the growth has only increased by 2 to 3 mm, which can also be considered technical differences. It is now measured at 12 mm or 1.2 cm. The only symptom I have noticed is tinnitus in that ear (right) which is bothersome only when I dwell on it. The 9th cranial nerve controls swallowing and gag reflex and nothing has bothered me with regard to those two functions. I have been told that where it is on the brainstem is difficult to get at surgically so, if and when the time comes, I will more than likely opt for cyberknife. If I were younger (I am 58) and hadn't just gone through breast cancer and a husband who had removal of another benign type of brain tumor (meningioma), I would probably say, "get this thing out of here" - but my plate has been full and what I've been reading and finding out about cyberknife seems the way for me to go. I probably shouldn't be writing tonight as tomorrow is both our follow-up MRI's - hopefully I'll have good news.