Author Topic: Extreme noise sensitivity  (Read 1610 times)


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Extreme noise sensitivity
« on: November 16, 2023, 01:04:08 pm »
Hi, I have a 2cm AN (well they think it’s a meningioma now) and I will likely have surgery in 2024.
My hearing is really good (for now)but my ear is SO sensitive to noise. I wear an ear plug all the time but it doesn’t help much and at home I wear an ear plug with noise canceling headphones. My ear gets really “angry” from most noises, the tinnitus gets much louder and it makes some other weird, loud noises.  Sounds like a robot is in my ear.  But the worst part is noise makes me dizzier also.  It doesn’t even have to be that loud, it can be a room of a few people talking and I’m in misery and it takes about a day for my ear and dizziness to calm down.  This has kept me isolated so it’s been frustrating.  Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks in advance!



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Re: Extreme noise sensitivity
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2023, 10:20:16 am »
I am highly sensitive to certain noises that are totally random. A friend’s dog bark but not any other dogs, pots/pans dropping into a sink, etc. I can only guess it is a certain pitch. My tinnitus does get angry and louder, but it is the PTSD response my body instinctively does that is the problem. I want to dive for cover. It is traumatizing. I never had this before my AN was discovered when the tinnitus started. I also lose concentration because of how loud the tinnitus is. I will just pause for a few seconds mid-sentence, like my brain is trying to move forward but the sound is confusing it.