The new ANA support group sponsored by Stanford Hospital had it's first meeting on 3/31. ...
That is fantastic! Way to go! Congrats to you and Christina.I went over the link page you provided. Is there anyway that the Stanford webpage could have a hyper-link or (at least a mention by name) to the “Acoustic Neuroma Association�
Great line of speakers. Looks great! Nick Blevins popped in to check on me a few times in my hospital room as my surgeon was on vacation. Dr. Blevins also was at the Chicago symposium. Seems like a
really great guy to me.
I am really interested in the
October 7, 2010: Hearing Aids for Acoustic Neuroma Patients by Stanford ENT Audiologist (TBD)â€â€¦as this is something the Oregon ANA group expressed a strong interest in also.
Dr. Jackler is very well spoken and most personable. He does much public speaking. I know he was on TV, when I was there, speaking up for a smoking free working environment on campus. He would be another great speaker to have.
Again congrats in getting a new group started and up and running!
You probably saw Steve’s article in the most ANA notes (newsletter) about the Oregon group. Only so much text can fit into the newsletter as it has a set format. One link that Steve initially had on there, in his
fab article, had to be cut to fit the publication.
Anyway I loved the link he provided and even though it was edited out I thought I would share it here with you-all
Pink Glove Dance on You tube
It not only depicts the positive spirit of the hospital and its staff but I also think our Oregon ANA group who meets there.
Happy dancing!