Hey Angie...
I am glad that you found something that works for you, and that you are still getting better 20 months out.
I was very keen on getting some kind of weight in the early months, but didn't really make sense for me at that time as i HAD to wear the priate patch ALL THE TIME because i had horrible double vision. So the patch was killing two birds with one stone (allowing me to see straight, and protecting my eye which would not close). By about 4.5 months post surgery the DV had totally recovered and i lost the patch. I did not having any trouble with seeing out of the patched eye before/after the patch. My cornea was in great shape too.
My opthamologist says i have a strong bell's phenomenom and this is good thing and part of the reason for my cornea still looking "great" despite being 9.5 months post surgery and no blink/closure.
I guess in Canada they push things you don't need (although the Opthamologist did ask me if i "wanted" one... i could get one if i did). She is young, attractive lady and said i don't "need" it, and it would make my eye look worse as it would cause my eye lid to drop (effectively introducing new assymetry with my right good eye). I do seem to manage just fine with glasses, so i am not inclined to make my face look more worse without some incremental benefit. I do close my eye manully from time to time to spread moisture around, and i guess this task would be a little less manual (i think the weight requires you look down to blink?) and i can see how this could be very helpful (if say driving a lot, which i don't).
Anyway, for now i am going on the doctor's suggestion to avoid having my eye cut open and droopy eye lid (i would say i have very shallow eye lids, you don't really see my eye lids when eyes open), when i don't need it. Perhaps i will change my mind about this down the raod a bit, if it seems the won't close at all (ever!). I think the eye closes can take up to 2 years for many people with full paralysis and subsequent recovery.
I was also swayed but a few posties here (Michelle included) who had little success with the stick ons (which we don't have in Canada anyway).
I am curious what Kaybo thinks... I know you had weights FOREVER and then had them removed (temporarily) and i think put back in. I know many people here swear by the eye weights. Maybe i am missing out... But i would hate to get it and then not like it. Really i have been cut open enough already!
Thanks all for thoughts and input.