Author Topic: 3 years out.... facial regression?  (Read 7385 times)


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3 years out.... facial regression?
« on: May 30, 2019, 09:11:31 am »
So I've seen a few posts dealing with this but they were fairly old so I thought I'd start new.  Over the past year or so I have felt my paralyzed has regressed some.  If I look at pictures from within the first year after surgery, you could see a bit of an upward tilt to my mouth and when I smiled, you could see a few more teeth than what you can now.  To be fair I stopped seeing my facial therapist about a year ago and did not continue exercises.  So I was kind of thinking that was why I had change.  Today has been exactly 3 years since removal of my tumor.  They left a sliver on my facial nerve.   My last MRI was a year ago in March.  My next is this September.  Around Easter of this year,  my paralyzed side eye started twitching....the upper eyelid.  And I am not talking just here and there....last weekend I started using topical magnesium because I HAVE been rather stressed these days and this was recommended.  But also in this last week, I have been feeling a tingling/burning/cooling?  in my lip/mouth/cheek area and sometimes it feels like the muscle is pulling.  So I think you all know what I am wondering.  Like, is it my tumor growing back or what are the chances this is nerve regeneration?  I think I remember wen my face was healing,  I'd have a setback before I would see progress.  I am currently working on getting a new script to see my facial therapist again but in the meantime, I would love to hear ideas or experiences.
Diagnosed 4/28/2016
2.4 x 2.0 x 1.9 cm AN
Symptoms:  Mild Hearing Loss, Mild Tinnitus, Mild Balance Problems, Possible Vision Issues, Some Vertigo.
Retromastoid Craniectomy 05/30/2016. UPMC Presby
Dr's Gardner and Hirsch
Left SSD. HB 6 Facial Paralysis.  Waiting for the nerves to wake up...


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Re: 3 years out.... facial regression?
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2019, 10:25:33 am »
I think if I was you, I would get the MRI moved up just to have peace of mind. I do think it is possible for nerves to continue to regenerate, based on what I have read. In the meantime, I would continue with facial exercises. Please let me know the outcome is.
3.2 cm AN (right side) diagnosed in 10/2018
Only symptom: mild hearing loss
TransLab surgery 1/2/19 @MUSC w/ Drs. Lambert & Patel. Sliver of tumor left.
Rt. Side facial paralysis (nerve stretched), tumor was "sticky", SSD, getting platinum weight implant 6/13/19
Doing fine otherwise!


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Re: 3 years out.... facial regression?
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2019, 11:52:45 am »
I called yesterday and moved my MRI up to June 12th...and I will see my neurosurgeon on the 18th, so I'll know then which way to go!  I really feel that it is NOT the tumor growing but peace of mind goes a long way!
Diagnosed 4/28/2016
2.4 x 2.0 x 1.9 cm AN
Symptoms:  Mild Hearing Loss, Mild Tinnitus, Mild Balance Problems, Possible Vision Issues, Some Vertigo.
Retromastoid Craniectomy 05/30/2016. UPMC Presby
Dr's Gardner and Hirsch
Left SSD. HB 6 Facial Paralysis.  Waiting for the nerves to wake up...


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Re: 3 years out.... facial regression?
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2019, 02:11:35 pm »
Here's hoping your symptoms are positive signs vs negative, and your MRI goes well
Strange tastes, facial numbness symptoms led to MRI 3/2019: 2.4 x 3.2 x 2.6 cm VS on left side
Left hearing went 4/2019
Translab 06132019:  1.4 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm residual stuck to facial nerve & brain stem
MRI 12122019:  1.6 x 3.2 x 2.3 cm
Translab 01132020:  0.1 x 0.75 x 0.57 + 1.5 x 0.5 cm
GK next


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Re: 3 years out.... facial regression?
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2019, 03:14:18 pm »
How much improvement has your face made since your surgery? My surgery was 5 months ago and I am getting a platinum eye weight implanted on June 13th. I'm glad you got your date moved up. Here's to good news!
3.2 cm AN (right side) diagnosed in 10/2018
Only symptom: mild hearing loss
TransLab surgery 1/2/19 @MUSC w/ Drs. Lambert & Patel. Sliver of tumor left.
Rt. Side facial paralysis (nerve stretched), tumor was "sticky", SSD, getting platinum weight implant 6/13/19
Doing fine otherwise!


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Re: 3 years out.... facial regression?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2019, 05:06:54 am »
I was an HB 6 when I left the hospital.  I couldn't honestly tell you what I am now.  A 4, maybe a 3.  People tell me its not really noticeable but when I point it out, then they can't unsee
Diagnosed 4/28/2016
2.4 x 2.0 x 1.9 cm AN
Symptoms:  Mild Hearing Loss, Mild Tinnitus, Mild Balance Problems, Possible Vision Issues, Some Vertigo.
Retromastoid Craniectomy 05/30/2016. UPMC Presby
Dr's Gardner and Hirsch
Left SSD. HB 6 Facial Paralysis.  Waiting for the nerves to wake up...