Author Topic: MY JOURNEY OF FINDING A TEAM  (Read 4835 times)


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« on: August 01, 2021, 06:33:47 am »
Greetings. I live in MN and went to the Mayo and he University of MN for opinions on my AN four years ago.  I wasn’t comfortable with either but took the advice of the Mayo, which I appreciated, to watch and wait.  It gave me time to ask questions in here, do my own research, and deliberate with wise people who had gone before me.

Two names that kept surfacing were Schwartz and Friedman at UCSD in San Diego.  They came from the House Ear Institute and were recruited by UCSD to start the acoustic neuroma program there.  They called me as soon as they got my images, each time I sent them.  On the 13th, we flew there stayed at the LaJolla Family house, right on campus, and walked to the hospital.  My tumor was removed on the 15th, two weeks ago.  We stayed there at a reasonable charge per night, for about 10 more days.  This was great and would keep us near them in case there was an issue.  My post-op was the 26th, and at my checkup, the stitches were removed and both docs saw me.  I am doing wonderfully.  No facial paralysis, no headaches, no tumor!  This stay allows for time to insure there are no leaks and there were none.  The campus is beautiful and you get a chance to meet others who are on the same journey.

WHY GO TO SAN DIEGO?  The doctors.  The expertise.  The program.  If my head was going to be opened up, I wanted people in there who do this multiple times a week, not several times a month.  These guys truly know their stuff, the staff is awesome, you are up walking the next day and moving forward. Check out the acoustic neuroma program there and give them a call.  You may chose a different path but glean all the knowledge you can.  It is a big decision.

Blessings to all!  Please email me with questions!

6/10/17: Sudden Hearing Loss
9/20/17:  MRI Shows VS in R IAC Measuring 6x5x3 mm
10/18/17:  On Watch and Wait Status
10/11/19:  MRI Shows VS Now Measuring
6/17/21:  7x12x6 mm
7/15/21:  Removal of tumor by Friedman and Schwartz at UCSD
9x6x5 mm