Author Topic: Recently diagnossed with AN after 3 Bell's Palsy incidents and 1 labrythitis  (Read 5534 times)

Branden Lawrence

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I was diagnosed back in mid Feb (2012) with an AN.  I previously had 3 attacks of Bell's Palsy (over the last 8 years) and recently 1 attack of labrythitis which led my hearing doctor to order an MRI for me.  The MRI revealed a small (1cm) AN in the distal (further from the center of the body) part of the Inter Auditory Canal.  In a way I am relieved to know that the tumor wasn't cancerous and also relieved to finally understand why I was having all of these problems.  I am meeting with a surgeon tomorrow (Dr. Francis) at John Hopkins in Baltimore.  Does anyone know if John Hopkins is recommended or not when dealing with AN surgeries?  Is anyone on here familiar with Dr. Francis?  Anyhow, my worry is that my schwannoma is a facial schwanomma as apposed to a simple Vestibular Schwanomma because of all the issues that I have had with my face.  I am a music director at a church and so I am also concerned with losing my hearing as that is a major part of my job.  Nonetheless, as a christian, I know God has a purpose for everything and that He is working all things out for our good (Romans 8:28).  So I'll just wait, watch, and pray.  In the meantime, I am going to enjoy every day of life with my kids and wife and enjoy the time that I have with my hearing in tact.  Some days seem dark but remember the sun is still shinning on the other side of the clouds!


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  Would say JHH's Otolargnology Dept. is rated #1 in the USA. Between Drs. Francis and Niparko, etc, I believe you'll do fine with the MCF, Middle Cranial Fossa approach. I think maybe HEI in LA may do more AN surgeries, however.
  Whether facial or vestibular/auditory nerve, the removal procedure would be the same and your chances for a good outcome very high! A Bell's Palsy history spells facial nerve AN to me but of course, I'm not a Dr. and refer all to the Dr. Your AN is small. One must remember surgeons are working in an area about the size of an aspirin and finger depth or more, opening. With MCF, also possibly a mirror.
  You could ask Dr. what he expects, and about Antoni A or Antoni B cell types of AN and their relative degree of difficulty of disentachment from the nerve.
  It's unlikely brain retraction will cause any long lasting cognitive effect. My feeling is that is often overrated.
  Good luck, Brandon. I wish you the very best outcome and believe that will occur your case.


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I too had Bells Palsy on the same side as my 1.5cm AN.  The BP left partial facial paralysis and continuous soreness on my right side face.  I often wonder if there are links between the two.  John Hopkins is top notch.  Good luck.
2003   1.5cmX1,6cmx1.3cm
FSR Sara Cannon Cancer Center  Nashville
2006  1.1 cmX1.2cmX .9cm


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Was your Bell's Palsy before or after your AN diagnosis? Did you ever know wether it was related? How is your facial function now?