Sorry you had to join the club. I would second that the symptoms/experiences are unique to everyone. I do think it's generally true, however, that sometimes people struggle with balance more pre-surgery than after surgery. The reason is, once the balance nerves are removed completely during surgery, the brain starts with a baseline and the signals it gets are consistent. When the tumor and nerves are still there, the signal is fuzzy, and it's harder for the brain to interpret. It's actually amazing how quickly you recover balance after surgery. Like you, I'm very active: hiking, camping, biking, etc. I returned to all of those things within about 3 months of surgery.
Do you know which surgery options are available to you? It sounds like you might be a candidate for Middle fossa approach. this approach has the best chance at hearing preservation. That's what I had, and I'm really glad I did. But, again, everyone's journey is different.
Let us know how we can be helpful and best of luck on your journey!