Author Topic: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!  (Read 19422 times)


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My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« on: September 28, 2009, 10:54:05 am »
Just need to vent a little bit....

So, as I said in a previous post, my doctor's office is making me pay $500.00 CASH ~ Up Front ~ for the fitting of my BAHA and showing me how to use it, clean it, etc.  They will not submit a claim to insurance.  I called Blue Cross (Minnesota) and asked them if
I could submit a claim to them and they said yes.  They wouldn't confirm if it was covered because I didn't have the diagnosis code or the procedure code....yet but said I should definately submit the claim once I paid the doctor and they gave me my receipt and info.

I called my doctor's office and told them what I was planning on doing and asked if they could give me the codes up front so I could have the paperwork ready when I come in for my fitting, etc.  They said, sorry, we don't have a code for it because we don't submit it to insurance.  So, I explained that Blue Cross felt that they would likely cover it but that the claim form needed to be filled out and that I to have the codes and even if they don't submit it, they should have the codes.  Nope.  I called Blue Cross back and they said that it was stupid ~ the doctor has to have procedure and diagnosis codes.  So ~ called the doctor back ~ went from person to person to department to department and heard about five different people tell me "we don't have a code".  So, I got kind of snippy (sorry ~ trying to be a good person is very frustrating sometimes) and said to them.....LOOK ~ I'm willing to pay you but I need a little bit of help here.  After cutting me off a ton of times, they said they would give me the diagnosis code but I'd have to come up with a procedure code myself.  HELLO????  ARE YOU KIDDING ME????  Okay, how about 1234 or 5678 or 911.  Ugh.  They also said that if I was in a financial hardship, I could apply for an account and pay over time.  HELLO???  AGAIN??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???  Never said I wouldn't pay the $500.00.  Never said I was having a hard time coming up with the money (though who has $500.00 extra floating around). 

I guess I'm asking for something extreme!  Heck, if I can't submit the claim ~ I will be out $500.00 and then I probably will be having a financial hardship! 

Some days I can't tell if the world is going crazy or if I am!!!!

Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket and use those numbers as the procedure code!! 

Ugh.  Thanks for letting me vent!!

...Kathy  ??? >:( ::)
Retrosigmoid on 02-06-09 by Dr. LaRouere (Michigan Ear Institute) and Dr. Pieper.  Perfect hearing, perfect balance, no tinnitus and no headaches before surgery.  Right SSD, loud tinnitus and crazy headaches after surgery.  BAHA surgery 07-29-09 ~ still working on tune-ups...don't love it ~ YET!!


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 11:15:03 am »

If it makes you feel any better - I think your doctor is the crazy one here.  He probably doesn't have a code to give you because he's the only doctor I've ever heard of to charge $500 to show you how to use your BAHA!  That's just insane.   I can see, maybe, charging you for an office visit, but $500? 

Sorry if you already answered this, but I'm coming in late on this issue, but is this the same doctor who placed the order for your BAHA?  Because if he did, I'm sure he added in his fee to the price you - or most likely your insurance - paid for it.  I think any reasonable person would expect that showing you how to use it would be included in there - what's the point of having it if you don't know how to use it?  I would ask for a copy of the bill from him and see if there was anything added on when they submitted it to insurance and if there was - I'd ask him what that charge was for.

Or you could fly to Virginia Beach, come to my house and I'll show you how to use it and clean it for free.

Worst case - I'd give them a small down payment  at the time of service and send them a dollar a month until they're paid off. 

I don't blame you one bit for venting!

Right 3cm AN diagnosed 1/2007.  Translab resection 2/20/07 by Dr. David Kaylie and Dr. Karl Hampf at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.  R side deafness, facial nerve paralysis.  Tarsorraphy and tear duct cauterization 5/2007.  BAHA implant 11/8/07. 7-12 nerve jump 9/26/08.


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 11:36:20 am »
Arrghh, sounds like a bunch of ignoramuses! No compassion there, and the people at the desk who do all this obviously could care less about their clients.
This laize  faire attiutde (?) really gets to me... >:(
Just tell the doctor or staff to get the ICD code book and look it up!!!!
 How about a  code for "DEAFNESS RELATED TO brain tumor" There are millions of ICD codes- I'm familiar with them for home health. There are ICD codes for any and everything under the sun!
 He needs to work the system for YOU and find the right code that will help with reimbursement.
That's probably the problem. They don't have the time or patience to figure out.
You could always ask BCBS what ICD code they need and report back to the clueless office!
I wouldn't pay 500.00 either. Bogus....
Anyway, yea I'd be venting too.
Don't give up!
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 11:49:56 am »

There may not be an ICD code for just showing you how to use a hearing aid.  Usually with things like that, the fitting charge is billed to the insurance at the same time they submit the charge for the BAHA itself.    I mean, why would you order something and then not want it fitted, adjusted, etc?  It's quite possible your doctor has already billed insurance for it and is just trying to get another $500 out of you.  I'd check with insurance and see exactly what was billed and what was paid for - they should have it all broken down by code.  If they're not willing to submit it to insurance, they must already know it's not going to be covered.  Something just doesn't sound right about the whole thing.

Right 3cm AN diagnosed 1/2007.  Translab resection 2/20/07 by Dr. David Kaylie and Dr. Karl Hampf at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.  R side deafness, facial nerve paralysis.  Tarsorraphy and tear duct cauterization 5/2007.  BAHA implant 11/8/07. 7-12 nerve jump 9/26/08.


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2009, 12:17:01 pm »
As a last resort, I think the ICD-9 codes can be found on the internet.  Having worked a little with the book just be careful to get the correct code if you have to do it.

Good luck



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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2009, 12:22:21 pm »
I certainly understand your frustration. Asking you for $500 up front doesn't sound right to me. Is there another Doctor in your area you can go to?
Lisa from Portland, Maine age 46
Diagnosed June 2006
15mm X 17mm AN right side 80% hearing loss
GK March 14,2007 Dr. Noren, Providence RI
1 Year follow-up MRI shows "slight shrinkage".
2 Year follow-up MRI shows "No Change".
3 Year follow-up MRI "stable".
BAHA surgery 4-22-09 BP100 Sept. 2009


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2009, 12:34:44 pm »
The funny (or stupid) thing is.....I had my BAHA surgery in July (29th) and thought I would get my kit and my processor at that point.  They said I wouldn't get it until after the 3 months.  I probably can't go to some other doctor because they probably ordered it already.  Though they looked at me like I was a pain in the butt when I asked if I was getting the Divino or the BP100.  The nerve of me to ask such silly questions!!!

I just called the doctor's office and the hospital and requested copies of the bills they sent Blue Cross.  Once I see them, maybe I can use one of those codes and "add on" to what was already billed.......maybe???

Maybe I'll take my penny jar (I'm up to $52.00) and bring that to the doctor's office as part of my $500.00. 

p.s.  If any of you have a chance.....try the new peanut butter & jelly M&Ms.......without those ~ I would surely go insane!!  xoxo

Kathy  :)
Retrosigmoid on 02-06-09 by Dr. LaRouere (Michigan Ear Institute) and Dr. Pieper.  Perfect hearing, perfect balance, no tinnitus and no headaches before surgery.  Right SSD, loud tinnitus and crazy headaches after surgery.  BAHA surgery 07-29-09 ~ still working on tune-ups...don't love it ~ YET!!


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2009, 03:07:14 pm »
I didn't get my processor until the healing process was over. That was a good thing since the BP100 had been announced in the meantime, and if I had received the Divino at the time of my surgery, my Dr. told me I could not have returned it.

Did they answer your question about the BP100 or Divino? Do you know what you're getting?

Another thought about that $500, I had to pay an extra $250 for the BP100, do you think that is a factor in your case?

Lisa from Portland, Maine age 46
Diagnosed June 2006
15mm X 17mm AN right side 80% hearing loss
GK March 14,2007 Dr. Noren, Providence RI
1 Year follow-up MRI shows "slight shrinkage".
2 Year follow-up MRI shows "No Change".
3 Year follow-up MRI "stable".
BAHA surgery 4-22-09 BP100 Sept. 2009

Jim Scott

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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2009, 03:49:07 pm »
Kathy ~

Your horrible experience with this particular doctor and his uncooperative office staff are a perfect example of why some people really resent dealing with physician's offices.  I would tell you to take your 'business' elsewhere but as you noted, it's too late, now.  Looks as if you're stuck with this greedy doctor and his surly staff.  I won't be surprised if they refuse to hand over the processor until they have the full $500. in hand.  I can only hope that you get your money back via Blue Cross.  This is a very unpleasant situation and once you're done with this doctor I would write a letter to him and tell him that his office staff's unyielding, uncooperative attitude in assisting you to simply obtain a code to submit to your insurance company was not only a hassle but a severe disappointment in his office's professionalism.  Name names, if you have them.  This 'more-in-sorrow-than-anger' approach can sometimes be quite effective, depending on the doctor.  He might just ignore your letter or reply with some half-hearted 'apology' that you'll both know is insincere.  I think it's worth a try.  Well, I would anyway - but that's me.  Best of luck to you!

« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 03:16:52 pm by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2009, 09:02:20 pm »
It's quite possible your doctor has already billed insurance for it and is just trying to get another $500 out of you. 

I would bet that the doctor's office has billed the insurance company for every code that can be used. They probably don't like the insurance amount, and want a supplement in cash from you.

It seems like they would have to tell you on the bill or receipt what the $500 was for: the visit, the processor, the fitting, or something. You would need that for tax purposes. If you can find out what they call it, you can ask the insurance company what the billing code for that would be. Chances are it has been used already, though.

I'm sure you want your processor, but if you can wait, I would stall. Ask them to send you a bill for the $500 (so you can fax it to the insurance company, but don't tell them that). Tell them you are checking with your tax consultant, and looking into a home equity loan, and you will get the $500 to them one way or another, but it is going to take some time. Maybe they will give up on it.

8 mm left AN June 2007,  CK at Stanford Sept 2007.
Hearing lasted a while, but left side is deaf now.
Right side is weak too. Life is quiet.


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2009, 09:41:31 pm »
Kathy -

I'm with Lori.  Something just isn't right here.  My Divino was billed to my insurance company by either the hospital or my neurotologist at the time of my surgery (I don't recall which, but I am 100% sure one of them billed my insurance company for it).

Paying someone $500 to show you how to use your processor is absolutely insane!  And IMO, that's why the doctor's office is refusing to give you an ICD-9 code.  I would look at the bills already submitted to your insurance company very carefully to see exactly what they include.

I had three visits to my doc post op - the first two were included in the price of the surgery (even though one wasn't scheduled - I'd inadvertently pulled the cap off my abutment and had to have my doc replace it).  On the third visit I saw my doc again - he made sure my site was healed - and I saw one of his audiologists.  I either paid a $20 encounter fee - or nothing - I don't recall which; but I do know I wasn't charged $500 and neither was my insurance company.

Some docs give you your processor the day of surgery, some make you wait until you're ready to wear it.  My doc makes you wait.  He had the box with my processor and kit in the OR with my name printed on all four sides.  I didn't see the box again until 90 days later when I was ready to wear my processor.

As anxious as you are to get your processor, don't pay this $500 without a fight.  Something is fishy here.  It this was legit - the doctor's office would be much more cooperative.  If you have to, insist on speaking to your doctor directly and find out what's going on.

Good luck - keep us posted.


Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2009, 10:16:34 pm »
It's quite possible your doctor has already billed insurance for it and is just trying to get another $500 out of you. 

I would bet that the doctor's office has billed the insurance company for every code that can be used. They probably don't like the insurance amount, and want a supplement in cash from you.

 Tell them you are checking with your tax consultant, and looking into a home equity loan, and you will get the $500 to them one way or another, but it is going to take some time. Maybe they will give up on it.

Yea, that's a good one Steve! Fight fire with fire.
And no I have not tried the peanut butter and jelly m & m's . Saw them today at the grocers, and thought about it, but sounded a little weird. OK Next time I see them I'll try them.!
Hope things are working out ......
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2009, 08:27:23 am »
It's quite possible your doctor has already billed insurance for it and is just trying to get another $500 out of you. 

I'm sure you want your processor, but if you can wait, I would stall. Ask them to send you a bill for the $500 (so you can fax it to the insurance company, but don't tell them that). Tell them you are checking with your tax consultant, and looking into a home equity loan, and you will get the $500 to them one way or another, but it is going to take some time. Maybe they will give up on it.


I am with Steve.  We had access to all insurance codes at the Optometrist's office I worked at.  We were required to give it to them when asked and they were printed on receipts.
- AN surgery 3-17-09. 3.8 x 5.1cm tumor.  1 month in the hospital and a couple in ST, OT and PT.

*People are always going to be behind you telling you you can't.  The important thing is to turn around and say 'watch me'.


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2009, 12:28:52 pm »

Seems we go to the same docs office.  However, I was told that the $500 was for the processor itself and the reason they ask for that is because most insurance companies do not cover "hearing aids".  ???  Maybe there pulling one over on both of us.

I do know that my insurance company does not cover the cost of the actual processor so I assumed that was why I was being asked to pay the $500??  I'd be interested in learning more on how this is going for you.....

1.6cm X 1.6cm diagnosed Jan 30 2008
Translab Surgery scheduled for May 15th with Surgery went well, got ALMOST all of it.
GK to zap the rest on 10/22/08
2010 MRI showed no new growth tumor measuring at that time at 1.1 x .4
2011 Holding steady
2012 new growth 1.7 x .7 :( :(


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Re: My doctor's office is making things very difficult!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2009, 07:16:15 pm »
According to my husband's audiologist, hearing aids are  not covered by insurance. When I asked him about it, he said that  the AMA and Congress was responsible for this.  It doesn't make sense.
Husband diagnosed 5/30/09 with 3.2cm right AN
Surgery at  Columbia Presbyterian 8/4/09
Platinum eye weight implant - 8/17/09
17 days in hospital and rehab
SSD, facial weakness, some tinnitus, headaches , balance and eye problems