Author Topic: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting  (Read 15779 times)


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2016, 02:32:43 pm »
Jill Marie, thanks for the info.  I'll definitely take that with me when I see the doctor - if there are options, I want to know what they are!

nancyann and Kerrybr - thanks for your support!  I honestly would have given up without reading about how lives have changed (for the better) with the lens.  I think I'm a good candidate (oh please!) as I've worn contacts for decades and am pretty good at dealing with 'em.  I'll update y'all after the appointment.  Can't WAIT!! ;D


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2016, 03:33:45 pm »
I remember the 1st time I had the lens on, I was on my way to work, & it felt funny, like a coolness.  I was freaking out waiting for the burn, wondering if I'd have to pull over, but it never happened!  Every windy day (love the wind in my face now that I have the lens) I thank Dr. Maller for his encouragement that the lens will change my life, he was right!  Hope you're as happy with the lens as I am!
2.2cm length x 1.7cm width x 1.3cm  depth
retrosigmoid 6/19/06
Gold weight 7/19/06, removed 3/07
lateral tarsel strip X3
T3 procedure 11/20/07
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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2016, 10:50:57 am »
nancyann, Kerrybr92, Jill Marie:

I met the optometrist (Dr. Goldman at Willmer Eye in Baltimore MD) and he agreed; I will get my scleral lens in about a week!  He was sure it will keep my eye healthy (as long as I care for the lens properly), and will solve the problems with the blurriness from the lubricant. 

I am so happy - the first lens he tried fit!  So they will call me when my lens arrives, and we'll head up for the insertion and care discussion, and his final approval.

I can't thank all of you - and everyone else on this site - enough for providing your stories and encouragement to pursue a solution.  After my first disastrous visit with a "scleral lens expert," I was very disappointed and frustrated.  It's all good now!


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2016, 07:30:42 am »
That is just amazing news.  I am so glad you will be getting the lens.  It does take a little effort to learn how to insert and care for the lens but once you know how it will be easy.
Glad you stuck with it. 
Right AN 2.5cm
11/11/11 retrosigmoid surgery Drs. Barker and Mckenna MGH 16 hours
Right SSD, Right sclerel lens from Boston Foundation for Sight
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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2016, 03:23:07 pm »
Hooray!  I finally have my scleral lens!  It took a while to coordinate schedules, but we saw the doctor Friday and went through the I/R training (lens insertion/removal).  So far, so good.  Hoping to be able to wear it full time in a few days.  Already, so great to be able to see clearly out that eye!  Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement.  Happy Halloween!


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2016, 12:38:27 pm »
Update:  Although the lens worked great for about an hour, my eye became irritated after 2 hours.  I took a one-day break, then tried again but with the same result.  I will see the doctor next week - I think it wasn't a good enough fit.  It seems that this is fairly common with the scleral lenses, to need additional fittings.  On the good side, I am getting good at inserting and removing the lens!

Thanks to y'all for your support and encouragement.  I'll report back after my appointment.  Kathy


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2016, 04:04:03 pm »
Sorry for the trouble you are having.  I had a very difficult time with the fitting process.  I almost gave up a few times out of frustration.  But in the end I got a great fit and all of the trouble was worth it.

I hope you ultimately are able to get a lens that will work for you.
Right AN 2.5cm
11/11/11 retrosigmoid surgery Drs. Barker and Mckenna MGH 16 hours
Right SSD, Right sclerel lens from Boston Foundation for Sight
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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2016, 07:12:37 pm »
I am frustrated!  The ophth said the lens is allowing in tiny air bubbles.  His answer is that I can only wear the lens for 2 hours a day.  I say, WRONG!  Surely there's a better answer! Kerrybr, you say you had a hard time with the fitting process.  Who did you work with that got you the good results?  Others, please chime in.  I feel I can pursue this further and get a better result!


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2016, 05:49:22 pm »
Yes I did have a hard time with the fit. Truth be told I went through 27 different lens. 

I am a patient of the Boston Foundation for Sight.  I see them in Needham MA but they do have several locations throughout the country at mostly large teaching hospitals it seems.  You can also travel to them there as many patients do. They manufacture the lenses on sight to your exact specifications.  These are not stock lenses.

I had trouble with the fit mostly due to my platinum weight in my lid.  It was putting pressure on the lens and it was not always evident how to correct that.  Some lenses we too tight and some were too loose.  Others just let in too much debris and would fog up.  After pursuing this for over three months I was able to find the best fit possible. I almost gave up so many times.

I just had a visit with them this week and it has been 4 years now with the same lens.  My fit is not totally perfect but it is close. I use 2 vials of Refresh celluvisc along with the buffered saline for insertion.  I use that in order to "seal" the edges of the lens as to not let air or debris into the lens.  It works for me and I am able to wear the lens about 14 hours a day.

I have not looked back to see how your doctor was located but you can certainly look into a Boston Foundation For Sight satellite office.  I presume I was one of their more difficult patients and they stuck right there with me.  You pay for the lens and the fitting.  So no matter how long it takes it is all included. 

If you have any questions let me know.  I hope you continue to pursue this if possible.
Right AN 2.5cm
11/11/11 retrosigmoid surgery Drs. Barker and Mckenna MGH 16 hours
Right SSD, Right sclerel lens from Boston Foundation for Sight
Some facial weakness


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2016, 06:39:20 pm »
Kerrybr, thanks for the additional information.  The Willmer Eye Clinic at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore Maryland is a satellite location for the Boston Foundation for the Eye.  The dr I was seeing is at the Willmer Eye Clinic, but I don't think he himself is affiliated with the BFE.  I have a couple choices - I can get an appointment with one of the doctors who are listed at Willmer, or I can seek treatment in Boston. I live in northern Virginia, so Baltimore is much closer for me than Boston.  What do you think?  I imagine the Massachusetts clinic is better experienced than the Baltimore, but it's a bigger effort to get there. 

Regarding your formula for wearing the lens - using the refresh cellavisic - was that your discovery, or did the doctors help you figure that out?  Thank you SO MUCH.  I absolutely will pursue this - it was such a rush to see clearly for eve a short time!!


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fittin
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2016, 07:56:29 pm »
So this is what I think. You should see if you can find a Dr. there that is trained by and affiliated with Boston Sight and the PROSE treatment.  It is my understanding that all doctors do some training in Boston and then go to work in these satellite locations.  But since I only have been to the one in Boston I do not know for sure but I am very certain. 

I am sure there is a difference in experience between the doctors in both locations since the doctors in Boston really spend their whole day every day only dealing with these lenses.  But with that said, the doctor I see was somewhat new when I started and it has turned out great and he is amazing.  I would certainly recommend him if you decided to come to Boston.  I think the other difference is that when you come to Boston you actually come for about a week and they work you through the different lenses and they teach you all you need to know about care and insertion.  Since they make the lenses right on site you are able to try a couple each day if necessary.  But being closer to home could be a good thing.  I would give it another try in Baltimore.  Just confirm who you are seeing and their experience with PROSE.

Regarding the lens you tried, was it a lens made just for you?  Meaning was it a PROSE lens.  Did they measure you and decide what to try?  And then have it made in Boston and you went back to pick it up? 

I picked up the celluvisc trick from my doctor in Boston.  I think he was as excited as I was that it worked.  He was patient but ready for me find success!!

Please ask me any questions you have. I am so happy to help you.
Right AN 2.5cm
11/11/11 retrosigmoid surgery Drs. Barker and Mckenna MGH 16 hours
Right SSD, Right sclerel lens from Boston Foundation for Sight
Some facial weakness


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2016, 08:00:18 am »
Hi Kerrybr!

Thanks for the fast response.  I am very tempted to follow up with the Needham office - but I'll talk to my husband about the options.  I'll keep your "recipe" in mind too!

In regard to your question about whether the lens I was given is custom, it is not.  It is a Jupiter lens, which I understand to be an off the shelf lens. 
Thanks for the offer of information about your doctor - I will likely take you up on it. I was quite disappointed by my ophth's reluctance to offer alternatives to the problem.  I plan to return the lens for a refund, before the warranty date arrives.


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2016, 02:34:27 pm »
Ok. I would return it too.

So with the PROSE treatment the lenses you try are specifically manufactured for you.  They are all made in the Boston office for quality control I was told.  When a lens does not work for you it goes into their lens "library".  I did try on some of those lenses as the doctor was attempting to get the best fit.  He tried several diameters of lenses and that was a quick way to see if they would potentially work.  Then once he got a good diameter he could tweak any other dimension of it.

I first went to the office for a consult to see if I was a good candidate for the PROSE treatment.  Then we set up time for me to come down and stay for 4 days.  Some people first come for a week but the time you spend really depends on how the fitting goes and how your training of lens insertion and care goes.  Some people I met were there for only three days.  When I arrived for my first morning they examined me and then tried some lens.  Then they made a lens for me.  The production takes about and hour or so.  They have a fully stocked kitchen there so you can hang out all day if need be.  Once my lens was ready I tried it and kept it in for about 2 hours unless we knew it was not right.  If it seemed good I would hang out and see how it went.  I would be examined while wearing it and the Doctor would see how my eye was behaving with it in.  Since mine did not work out right away my doctor would have another one made for me.  While waiting, I was taught how to care for the lens and how to insert it.  There was a lot to learn but they are great there and helped me all the way.  The following days went about the same but with less training since I started to figure it out. I left after four days with a lens that was pretty good.  I did return a few more times for some tweaking.  And the. Finally I got this 99%perfect lens.  I have returned every year just for a check up.

I know you did not ask for all this but I thought maybe it would help you compare treatment with the PROSE Doctor at the Johns Hopkins clinic with Boston.  Or at least you will know what you should be looking for.  I really think you just need to get to the right doctor there and that may eliminate the need to come all the way up to Boston.

Good luck with pursuing this. 
Right AN 2.5cm
11/11/11 retrosigmoid surgery Drs. Barker and Mckenna MGH 16 hours
Right SSD, Right sclerel lens from Boston Foundation for Sight
Some facial weakness


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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2016, 07:06:13 pm »
Never too much information.  I will see if I can meet with a BFS doctor in Baltimore.  If that isn't successful, I'll pester you more!  I doubt that Johns Hopkins has the facility to make lenses, and that sounds like a key element.  I agree, it's all about finding the right doctor. Thank you!!

Jill Marie

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Re: Seeking a competent Opthalmologist for scleral lens fitting
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2016, 09:21:16 pm »
Don't give up tell you find a scleral lens or some other lens that you can wear pain free as long as you want.  The lens and doctor you need are out there and you will find them.  I had the Jupiter lens and it worked great for me for a couple of years, then I went to the daily lens as I've mentioned before.  Good luck! Jill
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.