Hmmmmm, I seem to have opposite eye does not want to open...the nerve that runs along the carotid artery apparently controls the nerve that dialates and constricts your super light sensative,,,,,and eyelid very weak to boot in nerves were not cut,,,just really pushed and pulled on.....
Anyone else have this is sort of related to trigeminal and vidan nerve pain..funfun.....if I could get my eye straightend out..I would feel a lot better..the other pain..not so bad...lots of numbness..which of course is not painful..annoying but doesnt hurt eye on the other hand really hurts.....
I love the Dr.s....this is probably temporary condition and should heal up.....most people when they think imagines...several weeks....he meant several years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is not temporary to now I am in some what of a fix.....I have made other post in regards to some alternative treatment I am trying but too early for results...if It works well, I will let you guys know...since your nerves are cut I am unsure if it will work for you, but it may be possible for other nerves to learn to compensate...
Thanks for the info