Post-Treatment > Balance Issues

Who has regain good balance after surgery to remove AN?

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my son's balance was barely impacted at all.  he was a little off for a week or so, but and at this point (eight weeks post op) is back to normal in that regard.  he's skating, and will be able to surf once he's cleared to go back in the water.  he sometimes loses his balance for a second, but it's rare, and only for a second.  he doesn't even really have issues in the dark, from what he tells me.

his tumor was large and he's been skating for fourteen years and surfing for eight, so these things combined probably went a long way toward aiding his recovery.

I had Gamma Knife treatment a few months ago and vertigo and balance are much improved, although Tinnitus is just as bad. Mustn't grumble!
Also I have found from the very beginning, that I am affected by sudden changes in air pressure- sudden heavy showers etc- give me the wobbles, but it passes.

It was a good year before I felt my balance was really solid. Saying that, it was about seven months post surgery that I was able to juggle 3 bocce balls while descending and ascending the stairs three times each before dropping a ball. The more you walk, the more you challenge yourself and rest appropriately, the better you will be.

I started playing golf again last year after a 12 year layoff (in part because of pre-surgery balance issues) and balance is more than sound enough for that.


Greece Lover:
I'm about seven weeks out from surgery. I'm very solid on my feet but still have trouble turning my head. It's slowly getting better. I think it's different for everyone.

Sorry to hear you've got one of these too.  It's not the best news you'll ever get but I would be encouraging.  I had to wait 8 months for my surgery after being diagnosed and just finally had it a month ago.  I was, like everyone else, very apprehensive of the results.  I am an arborist by trade so spend my time high up in trees swinging on a rope with a chainsaw.  This requires a lot of balance. 

Like I said, I am 4 weeks post op and my balance is totally fine. I do have some dizziness still on rapid movements of my head but I can stand on one leg, I use a balance/wobble board and can do most tasks with my eyes closed on one leg even (such as brush my teeth).  I did make an extended effort to challenge my balance prior to surgery though with exercises and i guess my job helped too in that sense.  We're all different and some people on here have it real bad. I was lucky.  The worst thing for me now is I have a CSF leak and am waiting for another surgery.

Good luck, Dan


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