Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

CSF leak from incision

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I'm sure this exists in the threads but it's too much for me to search through right now.

I'm 2 weeks post translab and have been drained 3 times in 24 hours (outpatient) for CFS leak. Today they took 20 ccs from the incision area and placed a tight compression around my head.

I understand everyone is different, but has anyone experienced this and had it be fixed long term by draining, without additional surgery?

Thank you.

Most CSF leaks resolve on their own. Keep your head elevated, don't strain yourself, don't bend over to tie your shoe lace and don't blow your nose.

Good advice ANSydney. For the first several months I did not even pick up anything that might fall on floor for fear of leak. My surgeons told me no bending over.  I had zero leaks but complications from facial nerve but that's another topic! Hope the leak lets up. Stay calm. Stay upright. Make sure incision is sealed very good. My first week of surgery my head was wrapped very very tight. I'm sure that helped. Regards.

Thank you. They put in a couple stitches where the leak was, to seal it up.

I'm still sleeping at an incline but do occasionally reach to the floor. I can stop doing that for a while based on your suggestions. Trying to stay calm is indeed difficult when recovery isn't going as planned.

After a week of multiple draining with a syringe (40-60ccs each time) of various spots on my AN side, the Dr has prescribed medication to reduce the amount of CSF I'm producing, hoping it'll reabsorb.

Anyone have experience using meds to reduce production?


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