Author Topic: pulsatile tinnitus  (Read 84917 times)


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pulsatile tinnitus
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:07:36 pm »

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct forum, so I apologize in advance if I'm not.

I have pulsatile tinnitus and have been searching and searching online for months for answers. I came across this site and read through some of the threads about pulsatile tinnitus and now I'm really scared.

Long story short, the whooshing heartbeat sound started in my right ear last summer 2012. GP gave me ear drops thinking I had ear infection and that didn't work. Then said it's allergies, take allergy medicine and that didn't work. For two months straight the whooshing noise was getting louder and more frequent. One day out of nowhere, I got a BAD case of vertigo...I've never had it in my life so it scared me. I was bed ridden for 2 days straight until I could finally get in with an ear doctor. They did all the hearing tests which came out perfect and had me do the epley maneuver for the vertigo, which I continued to do for a few days until it finally went away. They didn't seem to think the ear whooshing was related to the vertigo at all. I also had an MRI to see if there was anything that may have caused the vertigo and that came out clear. Once the vertigo was gone, the whooshing was also gone. (That was September 2012)

Fast forward one year later, 2013. The whooshing started again gradually in June, it would happen once in a great while. In August it started to get more frequent. In September, and now in October is is LOUD and more frequent. Went to the GP again last week and he said it's tinnitus and to put drops of oil in my ear nightly. Hasn't worked.

NOW, I am having small bouts of vertigo...and the whooshing continues. The vertigo isn't nearly as bad as last year, in fact this time it comes in small bouts and has been happening for over a week now. The whooshing is loud and clear, same ear as last year. I hear it while sitting, lying down, moving staying still,'s there and it's frequent. I hate the thought of going back to my GP or the ear doctor and get no answers!

I cannot take it anymore, I'm losing sleep and it's driving me insane! Does anyone have any advice whatsoever? I will absolutely go have an MRi if someone tells me that I really should again,  but I am on a high deductible health plan so I can't really afford to have another one since I had it last year and they found nothing.

Has anyone had the same experience? Ear whooshing, then vertigo? What is causing this? I'm so nervous, I have been reading a lot of threads from various sites with causes ranging from strokes, to tumors, etc...I am 43 married and a mother of 2...I just want to be healthy and get some answers!!

Thank You!

Note: I am healthy other than taking 75 mcg daily and am low on Vitamin D
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 12:48:56 pm by paulamck »


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 03:32:49 am »
The ENT thought I had another form of tinnitus but the hearing service (supplier of my aids and stress scripts for the sparrows taking flight in my head) asked me if anything stopped it.
Please only try this ONCE as I don't recommend it.
When the whooshing starts press your fingers on the carotid artery in your neck and see if it stops.  If it does, then go back to the doctor with that information.
I changed my diet and took breathing classes so my blood would circulate better. It seems that it was the sound of my blood rushing through the veins. 
Good luck!
4cm Left side AN Translab August 18th 2010
Facial nerve not working
Nerve conduction Jan '11 Repeated 23rd May '11
SSD left side
5 ops in 6 weeks to fix CSF leaks
Tarsorrhaphy 9 Mar '11 Extended 26 Aug '13
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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2013, 06:38:21 am »
Hi Paulamck,
I had that too before I found out by having an MRI, that I had an Acoustic Neuroma tumor in my left ear canal. They gave me two forms. An MRA and a MRI. The MRA is to check your vessels in your brain. That came out fine. If you still have whooshing sound have it checked out by having those test.
Good luck!  MG
Resides Inverness, Fl.
Diagnosed w/ AN tumor Aug 2013  9x5x6mm
 2016  1.3 CM Touching Brain Stem 
'Wait and Watch' is over. w/ symptons of tinnitus along w/ ear pain and pressure most every day. Will be having Cyber Knife in June 2016


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2013, 01:41:44 pm »
My MRI came back clear. And when I press on the artery, it doesn't stop. I've done that in the past. I haven't whooshed all day today so comes and goes! Some days all day, others very little or a lot. It's frustrating, I just want answers and to know there isn't something else going on that they're missing.

As soon as it starts again, I will try pressing on the artery and post my results.

Thank you!


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2013, 06:24:33 pm »
So you said you did have a MRI but did you have an MRA also? The MRA is for the vessels in the brain. I am glad that your MRI came back clear. Hang in there and keep posting your findings.

Resides Inverness, Fl.
Diagnosed w/ AN tumor Aug 2013  9x5x6mm
 2016  1.3 CM Touching Brain Stem 
'Wait and Watch' is over. w/ symptons of tinnitus along w/ ear pain and pressure most every day. Will be having Cyber Knife in June 2016


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 03:30:18 pm »
Hi, I was wondering did you have the MRI with contrast, because sometime these tumors are small and they need contrast to see them. I had my 1st MRI and nothing was found a few months later , I had a MRI with contrast and they found a small tumor on the vestibular side of the 8th crainal nerve.  I have had bad balance from this little guy from the start, and sometimes from what I have read about and what I am experiencing the small tumors in bad spots can cause all sorts of issues .I hope you can get to the bottom of it.  I will Pray for you . Good Luck and be well!


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2013, 12:55:48 pm »
My MRI was without contrast. I am seeing a new ENT tomorrow who is more familiar with pulsatile tinnitus so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will get to the bottom of this!

I do have a question, from reading around I get the impressiont hat having the MRI with contrast is sort of dangerous? Is this true?

Thanks everyone!

Jim Scott

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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 03:17:51 pm »
My MRI was without contrast. I am seeing a new ENT tomorrow who is more familiar with pulsatile tinnitus so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will get to the bottom of this!

I do have a question, from reading around I get the impression that having the MRI with contrast is sort of dangerous? Is this true?

"Dangerous' would be an overstatement.  Although the MRI contrast agent, gadolinium, is safe, there are some minor risks associated with it being injected into your bloodstream.  The most common side effects include an allergic reaction, flushing/redness, hives, blood clots, dizziness, shortness of breath.  None of these side effects are severe and many people have no reaction at all to the contrast dye.  I've undergone many MRI scans with contrast and never experienced any of these side effects.  Its a very individualized situation but the contrast agent does help show a tumor that may be too small to be seen otherwise and the MRI with contrast is considered the 'gold standard' in helping a doctor find an acoustic neuroma, should one exist.   

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 04:59:40 pm »
Thank you Jim for that information.

Not sure if I feel relieved or more frustrated.

Today I had my ENT appointment and of all days I was NOT whooshing (I'm thankful but frustrated because I have been waiting got this appt so somebody can actually see whats going on as it's happening) I've had whooshing for 6 months straight and it's magically gone today, and as of yesterday. So, my hearing test was perfect. Looked at my MRI and MRA from last October, talked to me about my symptoms, etc...Said with it being that mine comes and goes, and is not constant, he's not concerned about tumors or anything. All the vessels look fine from the MRI or MRA. Had it been something constant and I had more symptoms, he'd recommend more testing, they don't like to do the tests with contrast unless they believe there's a good reason. 
He said he was 90% sure it's what they call "Venus hum". Reduce caffeine intake, drink more water and keep up with my thyroid meds and testing levels every 3 months...that's it. I was sort of surprised he asked about thyroid. Said feel free to come back if it starts whooshing again but in the meantime don't be too concerned.

That's it. Anyone have any opinion on this? Not sure how I feel....I'm glad he didn't feel anything serious was going on but it's frustrating that I've been through this 2 years in a row and there's no "medical reason" for it.

Thanks for reading and listening!


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2013, 07:54:20 pm »
I really do relate to your frustration as , I'm sure, the majority of us do. I have had my fair share of trouble getting a diagnosis. If I hadn't pushed my ent specialist to send me to the neuro otologist, I would still be searching. I've had at least 7 different mri, mra, ct scans over the past year and NOT ONE radiologist saw my AN ( and looking back it was there in every single scan). Of, course, mine is in my cochlea and no one was even looking there! I'm so greatful to dr. Greene. If it wasn't for my unilateral hearing loss and abnormal vestibular testing I don't think anyone would have looked closer.  I do believe your whooshing could be venous may seem like you don't have an explanation but really , you do.  As you age,(even though I don't know your age) blood vessels stretch allowing more flow and you may become more aware of those sounds. Also given your thyroid issues and normal hearing tests it is the most logical explanation  Give it time. I know it's frustrating but if something is will show itself eventually. Hang in there!
3mm? (I was in such shock i can't remember! )intracochlear AN/ intralabyrintnine schwannoma right ear
60% low and mid frequency hearing loss
Watch and wait


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Re: pulsatile tinnitus
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2013, 02:48:38 pm »
Thank you!

I am also thankful that it's gone away and has yet to come back since last week. I just don't understand why it comes at certain times of the year and then goes away completely after a few months.