Author Topic: scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?  (Read 7501 times)

Cheryl C

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scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:12:21 pm »
I've recently moved to the NW Arkansas area and wondered it anyone had recommendations for a scleral lens provider in this vicinity?  I love my doctor in Dallas, Tx, but was wanting to find someone close by.  Missouri/Oklahoma may be an option if not too far.
Cheryl C
~4.5 cm AN
Surgery 9/25/08, Medical City Hospital - Dallas
BAHA installed 1/09
External eye weight 3/09
Platinum eye weight & partial tarsorrhaphy 9/09
Scleral lens 3/14
Tarsorrhaphy reversal 5/14

Jill Marie

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Re: scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2020, 06:52:35 pm »
Hi Cheryl,  I can't help you with your search for a scleral lens provider but I thought I would tell you about the lens I use.  I quit using the scleral lens quite a few years ago and started using the Acuvue Oasys w/Hydraluxe daily lens.  The lens costs about one dollar a day but there's no chemicals or cleaning, just throw the lens out, less chance of infections too.  I have VSP eye insurance now so they pay for my lenses as my eye doctor stated I need the lens for medical reasons.  The insurance costs me $15 a month but well worth it for the lenses.  If you are happy with the scleral lens then I hope you find a provider for them near where you live. Jill  :)
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.

Cheryl C

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Re: scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2020, 04:04:25 pm »
Thank you for your reply, Jill Marie.  I am curious about your lens.  I noticed that you said your eye doesn't water, so I assume it keeps it hydrated as does the saline in the scleral?  My eye doesn't produce tears and I have corneal scarring from the dryness I experienced before the eye weight and scleral lens.  I still have problems with my eye not making a complete blink, so lipids build up on the lens and I have to clean it/change it during the afternoon to address the clouded lens.The no cleaning, no maintenance issue sounds wonderful to me, so I'll certainly look into it.  Just want to be as informed as I can when I find a provider. 
~4.5 cm AN
Surgery 9/25/08, Medical City Hospital - Dallas
BAHA installed 1/09
External eye weight 3/09
Platinum eye weight & partial tarsorrhaphy 9/09
Scleral lens 3/14
Tarsorrhaphy reversal 5/14

Jill Marie

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Re: scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2020, 09:14:21 pm »
Hi Cheryl,  Yes the lens keeps my eye hydrated, however I still use eye ointment 24/7.  I will give you a bit of history that will hopefully help you.  I used eye ointment from the day of my surgery, blurry of course but no pain, eventually that changed.  I told my eye doctor if nothing could be done then I wanted my eye removed.  He sent me to a contact lens specialist that got me a lens similar to the scleral but didn't cost as much, still had to use eye ointment 24/7.  The lens worked great for a couple of years then my eye became more painful then before the lens.  My eye doctor then gave me the daily lens (she wanted to do that before but I was afraid to try it). Within 2 days I felt WAY better!  For a while I was afraid that after a couple of years I wouldn't be able to use the daily lens either but that hasn't happened.  My eye feels really great, better then it did with the scleral lens.  If you don't use eye ointment 24/7 with the scleral lens you have then I wouldn't think you would need it with the daily lens either. 

I'm so sorry to hear that you have corneal scarring, I don't but my eye doctor said I had the worst looking eye she had ever seen!  She is doing a paper on my eye showing the changes the lens made so other doctors and the insurance companies will see how great the lens is.  My eye doesn't close all the way and only blinks because my other eye does, I wear a patch at night. 

I'm sure you would love the no cleaning and no maintenance the daily lens gives you.  Hopefully the lens would treat you as well as it has me.  Put the lens in your eye in the morning and throw it away at night, no mid day changes.  It wouldn't cost you much to try it out.  As they say on the board, I'm not a doctor so I can't say what you should do but hopefully you find an eye doctor like mine that is willing to try new things. 

A lady named Dena King that use to be on this board told me about the scleral lens years ago, she helped give me my life back.  I continue to read this board and post when I think I can help someone like she helped me.   Goodluck, Jill Marie
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.

Cheryl C

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Re: scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2020, 03:13:36 pm »
Jill Marie,
I did locate a provider here that seems very capable and enthusiastic about scleral lenses.  I talked with her before seeing her, went over my history, and she agreed to consider the daily lenses - pending an exam, of course.  I saw her yesterday, and after an extensive exam, she told me I would not be a good candidate for the soft lenses with the dryness issues I have.   I appreciated her opinion and I do believe she was forthcoming.  She did give me some updated info on cleaning and different products; so, with those changes I hope to have clearer vision throughout the day.

Thanks for your information and history.  It helped me to go "armed" into my appointment!  I'll keep checking in periodically.  I know what it feels like to "have your life back".  Any advances are so appreciated in our world of AN warriors.
~4.5 cm AN
Surgery 9/25/08, Medical City Hospital - Dallas
BAHA installed 1/09
External eye weight 3/09
Platinum eye weight & partial tarsorrhaphy 9/09
Scleral lens 3/14
Tarsorrhaphy reversal 5/14

Jill Marie

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Re: scleral lens provider in NW Arkansas?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2020, 02:42:18 pm »
Hi Cheryl, So glad you found a provider that will help you with the scleral lenses, sure helps to have confidence in your doctor doesn't it.  Glad to hear she gave you new info on cleaning and some new products to try, hope they are helping to make your vision clearer.  If sometime down the line your not happy with the scleral lens I hope you will revisit trying the daily lens.  I have no way of knowing of course but can't help but think your eye can't be any drier than mine and as I said I love the lens. 

I'm really glad the information and history I shared help you prepare for your appointment.  I will try and check back now and then too!  I will be busy for a couple of months as our recreational property was part of a 130,000 acre fire on Labor Day so we have lots of cleaning up to do.  Thankfully our out buildings survived, not so sure about our trailer as there's smoke damage.  We are fine so it's not as bad as it could have been.

Take Care, Jill
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.