Post-Treatment > Cognitive/Emotional Issues

It's starting to really hit home...

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Thanks Cheryl, I may keep that appointment for an eyelid weight.  I'm trying the TheraTears Gel Drops, and I'm finding anything less than the ointment isn't working.  I just feel so reluctant to have another surgery or even a procedure.  It seems that one things keeps leading to three things with this tumor mess.

I really don't have anything to add to this but please don't give up hope. I had my first operation over three years ago and I feel I am still healing. I know what you mean about word substitution. That seems to have gotten better over time. At my worst I think I would have been good on The Walking Dead.
Probably one of the hardest things for me is that I look perfectly normal from a distance. If you get up close I have such balance problems that I look like I'm drunk! Also Dr Edwards in Bemidji MN is very good with eye issues. You may not be able to see him but he recommend someone close to you.

Hi Mimi -
Just a couple of thoughts....Have you looked into using a scleral lens for your dry eye?  I had my eye closed for 13 months before I had it opened and started using the lens.  It was life changing!  When it's not in, I use Refresh PM.  Being able to see all day with the lens is wonderful!  I do have an eyelid weight, and highly recommend it.
If you read through strands of this forum, you'll be encouraged to wait patiently (or not!) for the facial nerve to heal.  I have total paralysis and just had a 12/7 nerve graft done, but wanted to let mother nature have every opportunity to do the work.  From what I read, MANY people regain some movement even after a year.  Therapy can begin there.  Jackie Diehl (sp?) in Wisconsin was a great resource for me.  You can e-mail her.  Her schedule is busy, but she'll answer.  Send selfies along, if you can.
I sympathize with the word-finding challenge.  It is getting better though, so hang in there.  I'm a teacher and talk a lot, and sometimes I just have to correct myself when crazy things come out of my mouth.  I am finding that this problem is interfering less over time.
We wish you continued healing.

Hi Everyone:

Well, my ENT cancelled my appointment for an eyelid weight implant, but I rescheduled for Jan. 22.  I am going to look into the Scleral lens as well. 

This week has been tough:  I seem to have plateaued in my recovery and the plateau is far too low; Had two of three disability exams (third tomorrow); and, my eye is killing me!

I think I have to get some PT to help my balance, because it is still really bad:  I have bruises all over my arms and legs from bumping into counters, walls and doorways.  I don't feel any progress has taken place this month.

Because I am currently unable to reopen my tiny wholesale bakery, I applied for disability.  They require three health exams:  Eye exam (last week), mental evaluation (Christmas Eve) and physical exam (tomorrow).  It takes six hours in the car to travel to these appointments and because I still have double-vision and the car enhances my dizziness my husband has to do all of the driving.  I couldn't believe how bad my eye sight was in my affected right eye, and having a mental evaluation on Christmas Eve was a real bummer.  It was in a Holiday Express Inn conference room with a doctor who was equally bummed to be there, but he was very nice afterwards.  It just sucks that disability has to put us through mental evaluation after major brain surgery.  Geez, I can't work, I can't drive, I have to hold my eye closed most of the day and I can't even smile--I might be a tad depressed about filing for disability and having a mental evaluation three hours away from home on Christmas Eve.

Nonetheless, I still have my sense of humor, believe it or not.  But now while writing this post, called me and I think they just messed-up my insurance for 2015.  I had it all taken care of:  Same plan in 2015, but because of a problem with the website not being able to enter my county's name (what?  I had no problem) caused them to call me and redo the whole thing.  I already received a confirmation email but now I can't even find the plan the woman said she signed me up for on my insurer's website.   

My sense of humor is under attack, but I shall prevail.

Anyway, I'm personally looking forward to a better 2015.

Happy New Year!


Michelle: About that #8 on your list.....DEPRESSION
I also fell into depression, in fact I developed PTSD from this whole experience but first the depression hit. I noticed it before my 6 week post op check and attributed it to my facial changes and drop in self esteem, when I mentioned it to my surgeon he explained when people have intercranial surgery a "chemical" depression often occurs and one that may never re-balance....hence the only help would be taking anti-depressants.....I ended up trying to cope for like two years and finally went on anti-depressants and basically have stayed on them ever since (except during pregnancies/post partum periods) and haven't looked back.....yes I also got treatment for the PTSD and that resolved but the chemical depression hasn't ever went away. Is there a reason you don't want to take anti-depressants? Just wondering 'cause often people have mis conceptions about them
I hope things are generally getting better


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