While I can't guarantee I'll make my goal of becoming a runner again, I have started to walk and I'm hopeful that will be what finally gets me motivated. Clocked 90 minutes this evening. The biggest challenge will be seeing if I actually continue - I usually just have good intentions
Speaking of good intentions - anyone doing a walk, run, etc., for charity please PM me the details. I can't guarantee that I'll fund every one of them, but it's a New Year and I'm looking for tax deductions and my favorite form of deduction is charitable contributions. So if you have a good cause, please don't hesitate to send me a link, info., etc.
Lori -
I have two words for you Turbo Tax. I'm a degreed accountant, but not a tax accountant, and for years I did my personal returns by hand. A colleague who's a lawyer told me about Turbo Tax about 5 years ago and now I can't live without it. If you haven't already, check it out.