Post-Treatment > Headaches

Barometric headaches

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Hi wiltedrose:

AN is short for Acoustic Neuroma.  It is a benign tumor that usually starts on the vestibular nerve in the internal auditory canal.  As it grows, it compresses or attaches to the acoustic nerve also.  That is why so many of us have lost our hearing.  Many people suffer from headaches either from the AN itself or post treatment (radiation or surgery).

Have you been diagnosed with an AN? 


I have noticed head pressure and a general feeling of fatigue, brain fog, and headache when it rains. In good weather, I feel much better. The changes in the barometric pressure even cause me to feel unbalanced, and like a 20-lb. sandbag is sitting on top of my head. Have you noticed this and how do you alleviate the pain? I had surgery 4 weeks ago to remove 95% of a 3.0 tumor after hydrocephalus and radiation. Thanks! Donna

Welcome AlabamaDonna,
I had translab 10 years ago and experience much the same symptoms as you .. not as bad as at first though.
I don’t really know of anything that helps much. You are not far from your surgery so these type of symptoms are pretty expected I believe.
 Your brain has had a trauma and it is going to take a little while to heal. I learned pretty early on to give into what my body and brain were telling me. I rested a lot in the first weeks.
 I know it is hard these first weeks and months really. But it will get better.
Sorry I don’t have any real answer,, but know many of us have these same feelings.
Maybe some others will respond with some helpful advice.

Jane ( from the bottom of the State,, in Mobile area)


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