Post-Treatment > Cognitive/Emotional Issues

Emotion Wreck

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December 1 will be here before I know it ...

I will be back in Nashville then... CT scan is at 9 but have to be there by 8 to fill out big stacks of paper..
I kill a small tree each time I go to a new doctor...

my ears are less stuffy even after just a week of putting steroid cream in them so I guess the skin
thing is going down... no more drainage from deaf ear ... my sinuses are clear so they aren't draining out
wrong places ...

Insomnia is still my friend or rather just constant companion... I finished Marley and Me and had to stop near end
and not pick it up for a few days ... knew what was going to happen and didn't want it too , as if putting
the book down could sop it ... finally finished it and cried ... my husband thinks I stay up because I read ... I
have been up for two hours and haven't been reading ...have been listening to him snore and looking at ceiling...
thinking about a slug of benedryl

keep fingers crossed that scans are good and no more holes in head necessary  (except BAHA hole if I can get it
past insurance )

Good Night ... Sleepless in Tennessee

One day you all will read about a woman from Mid South Tennessee who hunted down and
tortured a BCBS claims mediator...

Got a letter from BCBS medical claims mediators that told me it was
necessary that I go through with the scans as scheduled... the risk
of inter cranial infection was not worth risking not keeping the
appointment ...

Now don't let what we are going to tell you not keep your
appointment... we (BCBS) are not going to pay on these scans
because we have dropped that service provider...

then they go on to tell me again that I must for my health and well
being have the scans ...called center and all the MRIs and the CT
scan are going to be around $8000 ... BCBS said they will work to get the
reduced price of $6000 that was contracted with the center before they
dropped them ...
ain't they so nice ...  >:(

Doctor sent me to the center instead of the hospital radiology
department because they do good scans and charge less than
the hospital... now got to try to fight them as it was set up before
they dropped the place or get an appointment at St Thomas ...

And it seems they should still pay the out of network amount
which is 70% after deductible is met instead of in-network 85%..

Our local go between with insurance is out of town until Monday... CT scan
appointment is Monday at 9:00 with MRIs to follow and I am suppose to be there
by 8...

Gonna be on phone tomorrow trying to get them to honor it since the arrangements
was made prior to them dropping facility... that is the angle the doctor office said to take ...
or reschedule with someone they will cover ...and going to call BCBS and question why they
won't even  pay at the out of network rate if I go to the facility...

I got the mail at about 1:00 and had to pick up my Girl Scouts at 2:30 so didn't get alot
done as far as working something out ... got to school and was waiting for them and the nurse
said I looked funny lips were tingling and a little light headed ... she took my BP and
it was 187/100 ... instead of going down the road to community building we just stayed
at school and made Christmas cards that have to be turned in my the 5th to be shipped
to Iraq... by 4:00 my blood pressure was almost normal and I felt better

Even though they backed off on classifying me as Pre-existing when the insurance changed in
their seamless transition , that is what they are doing anyway and calling it everything but
not covered due to pre-existing complaint ...they are  throwing road blocks in front of me
every step of the way...

I wanted to sit down and cry...roll on the ground screaming and other things I don't normally do...
I was so happy after visit with new doctor because it looked like things were going to start happening ...
now I am kinda just numb all over...

I talked to husband and we have decided that I am going to go through with the scans Monday
and worry about it later if I can't get a new appointment within a week ...not going to fight
them a month to get it done when it should have been done a long time ago...

I am so tired emotionally ... almost wish I had just kept Bennie and not have had all the after
crap to deal with ... that doesn't last long with two doctors telling me that he
would have soon put breathing at jeopardy... I like breathing ... but life was so much easier with
him in my head

Crisis averted...

Been on the phone with Marie off and all all day long... I asked her the first time I called and she told
me I needed to talk with doctor and see how the order was coded as to where it was to be ... before
hanging up ?I asked for her name ,rank and serial number so I could get back with her instead of
talking to yet another person...

Long story short... her poking around revealed that  even though they have told me that they have all AN
cleared as continuation of treatment and not pre-existing , that is how they were running my stuff through ,
as pre-existing...I suspected as much...glad she was honest ans told me ... also the center has not been
dropped and is still on our plan as in-net ... the jerk I talked to yesterday noted that as pre-existing I was
not entitled to coverage until 7/1/2009 and it could be reconsidered at that time...

So I am set and just have to pay them $600 Monday instead of the $2000 they requested yesterday...

She asked if I wanted her to mail me a grievance form to file against the person I talk to yesterday and I
said Yes Please... all she did is look back through to July and found where we had filed appeal and the determination
that I would have continued coverage... yesterdays person didn't take the time or listen to what I was saying ...
just read from screen what was there and made notes... evidently I was also hostile yesterday ...gee ya think...
and I was nice til I was told I needed $2000 and would have to pay the remaining balance too...

Marie told me that we have issues and problems with BCBS because we have the high deductible plan that
doesn't pay as much as the co-pay plans do... when insurance is reviewed in June I hope like heck they
switch us back to Cigna or to a different BCBS

So Nashville is on for Monday morning and I can enjoy the long weekend and family without all this mess in the back of my mind

Wow. I'm glad it all worked out for you, but I hate that you had to go through it.

Hope you have a relaxing holiday & weekend. I think you deserve it.


Well I have been scanned and now have to wait til Wednesday for phone conference with doctor
and radiologist... I guess they have to get together and make their stories match  ;)

When I got to Premier Radiology this morning to check in I was given a letter that said that BCBS
may not pay ... so much for Marie... but they said to hold on to $600 and they would file whole amount
and discount bill if BCBS didn't pay on it as agreed...

Went by audiologist and got a prescription for TV Ears so I can get a portion back from insurance ... they
approved it after saying they wouldn't because I had to have a significant loss of hearing ... I would say that
with one deaf ear and one with 86 % word recognition would classify as significant but somehow it went
through with only a 14% loss which wasn't enough ... now records say I have a 57% loss of hearing ...if they
don't pay I am calling TV Ears Christmas Present...

I drive people nuts turning up TV to hear and get tired of husband saying ..Can't you just read it ??? ... yes I can
read it on CC but I like to hear... and I get mad at him and want to stick dense ear plugs in his ears and dull his
hearing and tell him to read it ... this will make watching with him easier... and I won't want to smack him

I got tickled at picture of old older couple on back of packaging with caption that says ...TV Ear saved our marriage...


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