Yes, Jane, believe it or not, Dr. Battista
can be funny! It's taken him a while, but I think my sense of humor is starting to grow on him

He was definitely more humorous during the BAHA surgery than he's been at other times - although I did get him to chuckle at a joke I made when I was post op for my AN surgery. There's hope for him yet, but I don't think I'll ever convince him to wear a SpongeBob tie like Dr. Rivera who did my fat graft. Guess that's just not his style.
I knew the docs had moved into a new building and although I've been going to EGV, since it's closer for me than Hinsdale, the day I accidentally pulled my BAHA bandage off I had to go there. The waiting room is beautiful - a huge improvement on the last one which was very depressing - but they still have the same dead looking flower arrangement. I'll have to hassle Dr. Battista about that the next time I see him

I'm sorry to hear about your sinus inflammation, but I'm so thrilled that your BAHA surgery will be covered by your insurance. YEAH!!!
My surgery site is good - no infection - only problem I'm currently having is that it itches me

I think it may just be due to the neosporin "gunking up" on my skin and irritating it. I only have to apply it for another 8 or 9 days and then I have a week "off" before I see Dr. Battista again.
Other than that, I'm extremely happy that I had the surgery and can't wait to be able to attach the processor. Let me know when you schedule your surgery.