Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

scalp issues

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Not sure where to put this so dropping it here...

I hate to keep coming here with all my little problems ...well some were big but this one is just plain weird...

I took a shower and my 8 year old was very carefully combing my hair... that is until she
said ewwwwwwwwwwwwww you have lice in your hair... ( they just started back to
school Tuesday and the nurse checked everyone and showed blown up pictures of
lice and nits) ...

my scalp has been itchy but couldn't figure how I could get lice since haven't been
out much or around people other than family in close contact... called husband and he
came in... he was looking through my hair and pulled several white clumps of stuff off
 it ... one was as big as a dime and you can see the holes where hair came through...
the whole top of my head and down AN side is peeling ... I figure that the top layers
are dying from being put under stress from the pressure bandage I had on for 4 days...
 the whole top of my head was spongy and scalp separated from skull in places...

Anyone have this problem and if so what did you do?

I got back in shower and re-wet hair then glopped some prescription lotion for extremely
dry skin in my hair working it into scalp then rinsed out my hair... it did relieve some itch...

At least this glitch didn't land me in the ER...  :)

Hi Soundy:   Sounds familiar - the 1st few times I washed my hair I remember large pieces of dead skin coming off my scalp, along with loads of hair (which did re-grow, causing quite the 'frizzy' look).    This should subside after several (& I use that word loosely) washing.  You're right, I believe this is caused from the stress of surgery, etc.
Always good thoughts,  Nancy

I live with the frizzy look... my hair falls out due to problems associated with lupus  and now more
so since surgery... it grows back as fast as it falls out so I alway have a halo of
short fuzz  sticking out through my hair

I am five weeks out as of tomorrow and the peeling started about a week ago..
I just figured that the skin was dying cause it had been shorted of blood for awhile... not as bad now
as when I first posted but still peeling ... have considered using the mini vac on my hair when I leave
house so I don't have a head full of nit looking stuff in my took a picture of the back
of my head with the digital camera and it did look bad...

Don't forget that they wrapped our heads tightly with bandages. That could have affected blood circulation to our scalps as well deprived the scalp of air and sunlight. My skin peeled some. I didn't lose anymore hair (Thank God) but I did get a lot more gray.


I didn't have any bandage on my head - just a piece of tape stuck to my hair running alongside the very visible suture line - must be different for retrosigmoid.  My hair did fall out quite a bit though, along with the big pieces of dead scalp-skin - YIKES !!!!

ps:  I live with the 'frizzy' hair also !! I have alot of very fine hair that is always breaking off - looks like a perpetual friz halo going on.  This is awful to say but I'm glad I'm not alone with the frizzy hair.   A few nights ago I tried this stuff, Nioxin leave in hair stuff - OMG!!! - after applying it to the roots & combing thru, as I was blow drying it got stiffer & stiffer till I couldn't get my hand threw it - I had to get back in the shower, re-wash & put gobs of conditioner in before it settled down !!!   As you can geuss I threw the stuff right out !  It also smelled just like the stuff Mary put in her hair in the movie 'There's Something About Mary' -my friend said it probably had alot of protein in it.


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