Treatment Options > Microsurgical Options

hair - after translab with no washing


I've searched the subject but can't find exactly what I'm looking for.

I have just past shoulder length, thick, curly hair. What do I do with it while in the hospital and while unable to wash it? Wear it up/down? I'm afraid it'll get matted laying against it for over a week without washing and it'll hurt if in a ponytail the whole time. And I have no idea if I'll be mostly laying on my back or my good ear side. How does this work?

A dumb detail in the scheme of all this, but what have you long haired folks done? Surgical date won't be for at least another month.

I didn't do anything with it, the head remained bandaged for a few days and then I just left it. I ended up going to the hair dresser and getting it all cut off, no other choice given how much of my head was shaved. It didn't actually become matted, I kept it brushed.


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