General Category > NF2


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I am curious if anyone has experience with NF1? I have bumps on my left shoulder and in my left armpit and have for way longer than I've had the dx of my AN on my left side as well. The bumps were diagnosed as fatty cysts by family practice doctors multiple times over the years. I mentioned them to the neurologist mainly because I thought they might be related to holding my cell phone to my left ear with my left shoulder all the time before the hearing loss. He started asking about cafe su lait spots, which I don't have. I didn't know what he was looking for until later Internet research. My 5-year-old son has an osteochondroma just above his knee. I see abnormal bone growth is also a symptom of nf1. Does it seem possible that I have nf1 with no presentation until adulthood? I will ask my doctors (and my son's doctors), of course, but curious if anyone else has any experience with this.

Cheryl R:
I have NF2 but can tell you that you do not have NF1.        I am not the best on explaining it.   A good place for info is    or you can also do         The site is at the childrens tumor foundation.        NF1 have no ANs and the skin tumors are of a different nature.       I am not sure if your tumors are lipomas or not.            I hope this helps and that you and your son do well in time.                      Cheryl R

Link must be missing. I have googled it and there are many criteria that don't fit, but when the neurologist told me the bump on my shoulder was almost certainly a subcutaneous neuroma and asked me about cafe au lait spots, that is obviously what he was looking for, at a possibility of nf1. I still think it might be more likely that cell phones and cordless phones have something to do with it...but that doesn't explain my son's osteochondroma.

Hi there .....

Sometimes links will drop off if you type something else after it.  Not sure why.  I think this may be the link she was trying to post (Children's Tumor Foundation):

Hope this helps.  Clarice

Hello - i have NF1 - was diagnosed a few years ago, i was 31. It has not affected my life in any way. i have numerous large cafe a lait marks and over time, a few neurofibroma's. Was never really sure what they were, Dr's just passed them off as nothing to worry about. It wasn't until i fell pregnant & having changes in my hormones that more showed up. Particular on my lower back & bottom. There is no family history of this condition in my family until now, lucky me! Sadly i have passed this onto my children as well but they are seeing an eye specialist and pediatrician yearly. My eldest son has just started school he is 5 1/2 and i am monitoring his learning, particularly his motor skills as everything else seems to be fine.
I too am wondering if NF1 is at all related to AN - did you have an AN? Have you been tested for NF1? My Dr told me you need to have these cafe a lait markings as that is a main diagnosing factor.  From the information i have read, NF1 & NF2 are not really related at all despite the name!


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