Hi to everyone!
As the subject says, it's been 3 years post gamma (Dr. Noren) and went through the expected balance issues. As of my last MRI, tumor was skrinking (yes!). Anyway, luckily for me the last year has been sympton free....HOWEVER, I went to a conference about two weeks ago and really exerted my vestibular system to the max. Listening to speakers in crowded rooms, studying in the evening, bright lights, too much sitting in conference rooms and not much activity and really bad hotel food (maybe the bad food is what brought on the attack

. Then, on the ariplane coming home the pilot (a.k.a., cowboy)s eemed like he wanted to land the plane very fast.... fast . Ugh..... I was fine for three days and then POW! major nausea, imbalance, hearing problems, etc. Everytime I overdo it, I get the balance issues a few days after the fact...always has been that way.
I guess I'm just looking for support, before I get myself into trouble with troublesome and negative thoughts. Just when I was tricked into thinking my balance was great.....I was horribly reminded that it's not. Any thoughts from anyone who has experienced this long after gamma and tumor shrinkage would be appreciated.
Oh, btw, I scheduled an appoint with my Vestibular Physical Therapist. I told her that I needed a tune- up! Also, I'm starting Tai Chi on Friday.
I'm thankful that this site exists for us AN people. Thank you, everyone.