We went to Walt Disney World to celebrate my one year anniversary and one of my first rides was the Rock-n-Roller Coaster! I noticed no difference in riding than before my surgery except the speaker only worked on one side.

I talked to my doc before riding coasters and such and he told me no problem at all. I thought I would have more balance probs or something but it was just as much fun as it was before!!!!!
We also live near Cedar Point and I rode coasters there last summer.
A side note: The day I found out my surgery date we took our kids to CP overnight. It was in May, the weather was beautiful, the park was quiet and I rode coasters that day too. I convinced my husband to ride the Top Thrill Dragster (not for me). He was a little hesitant but then I reminded him I was facing brain surgery the least he could do was ride a ride. LOL