Hi wdw1955,
Welcome to the Forum - but sorry you had to join this exclusive club.

There is so much information both here in the Forum (you can search the topics) and on the internet...
I read about GK on the Unv. of Pittsburgh site, as they were the first to use it here in the US.
For CK, i read the CK Forum. Proton is very specific, and i ended up reading some information from Loma Linda in CA and in Mass.
I am in W & W since Oct 2008, and still researching. Since ANs are usually slow growing and benign, you have time.
Others will chime in, i am sure, with more specific information.
I don't know of any one report that compares the different methods, but perhaps someone will let me know if it exists.
I believe i would choose CK as well. But since i am on the east coast, my concern is always the follow-up treatment.
There are some discussions about this, too.
Best wishes on your research!