ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Eye Issues => Topic started by: digby on August 10, 2008, 07:13:38 pm

Title: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: digby on August 10, 2008, 07:13:38 pm
Hi Folks:  It's 9 weeks since my middle fossia surgery and things are beginning to look up. Last week I couldn't bend or kneel and today I started pulling up the kitchen floor so I would say that there is improvement.  My eyes are starting to tear and the lids are beginning to function but the bouncing vision which I think is called oscillopsia is still very much present. Has anyone had this symptom, is it a normal part of the recovery and does anyone know how long it lasts?  Any suggestions or ideas about helping with this very annoying problem will be appreciated.
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: Kate B on August 10, 2008, 08:28:59 pm
Hi digby,

Things are really looking up if you are pulling up the kitchen floor!

I did not have bouncing vision...Is it constant or is it at certain times?

Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: Soundy on August 10, 2008, 10:55:44 pm
I had  bouncy vision right after surgery and still do sometimes when I get over tired or
headachy... my surgeon said it was normal for some and should clear up... I still have bouncy
vision when I am outside and look off in the distance a I am walking ... so walk focusing on the
ground about 15 feet in front of me

I had trans lab ... don't know if that makes a difference
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: Syl on August 10, 2008, 11:20:13 pm
Hi Digby,

I don't have an answer for you, but I really feel for you. I never imagined that this condition could last as long as it has for you. I had retrosig and for 2 days in the hospital I kept my eyes closed because I couldn't control my eyes. My right eye bounced all over the place and my left eye felt like it was spinning. I was able to see, but I couldn't focus on anything. Not only was it annoying--it was frightening. Doc said it was due to the surgery and that it would go away. On day 3, I regained control of my eyes and my vision has been fine since then. I really hope yours is not permanent.

Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: sgerrard on August 11, 2008, 12:11:45 am
Hi Digby,

The one thing I would suggest if the oscillopsia continues is to get testing and treatment at a vestibular lab. There should be one at a larger hospital somewhere near you. I had some testing at one when I was diagnosed, and I found the people there to be very knowledgeable, helpful, and very understanding and gentle. I think oscillopsia is a result of trauma to the vestibular or balance nerve, and they are the people who really know their stuff on balance related issues.

Meanwhile, stop pulling up the kitchen floor in frustration - or was that part of a remodeling job?  :D

Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: Lamsue23 on August 11, 2008, 12:52:52 am
Hi Digby,

I have just had my surgery and tell you that my vision is also a problem.  The day I came home, when I went to bed that night I shut my light off and I can really say I saw my alarm clock tip over..It was only me.  I know my surgery was just last Wednesdaay,  So I know it will make its way and adjust.  I also see things at the corner of my eyes but can't say they're anything there.  Hang in there!!
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: Raven on August 11, 2008, 08:27:00 am
Yep, I've got it, some days it is worse then others. Before my surgeries I asked my Dr. what it would feel like with my balance nerves severed, he said "things in the background would look like they are bouncing"..........boy was he right. My condition is a little different then yours, this is the "new normal" for me, your non AN side should pull up the slack. I'm getting used to it but it is always there in some form or another.

Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: digby on August 11, 2008, 10:32:53 am
Hi: Thanks for the input.  Things bounce when I walk and this is the only symptom that hasn't changed or gotten better of the last few weeks.  If it weren't for the difficulties with the eyes this process wouldn't have been so bad.

My wife wanted new wallpaper or paint in the kitchen and I decided that a new floor was also needed. I feel better with a project and I think all the moving around is just as good as walking several miles a day.
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: Tumbleweed on August 11, 2008, 10:46:57 am
Steve and Raven are correct: oscillopsia is caused by damage to the vestibular nerve. I had this condition for several months after the onset of my AN symptoms (years before I was properly diagnosed). It gradually went away. What seemed to hasten its departure was walking a lot, especially on uneven ground. That's the last thing you feel like doing because that's the activity where oscillopsia is most noticeable (at least it was for me). But by walking often, you retrain your brain to ignore the aberrant signals your damaged vestibuar nerve is sending to it.

Hang in there, Digby. With any luck (and a lot of walking!), this condition should improve and hopefully eventually go away. Have patience -- it might take a few months.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: sabuck on August 11, 2008, 11:13:12 am

I agree with Tumbleweed. Do as much walking as you can. As much as it is annoying to not be able to focus on something at a distance, it gets better the more that you walk and challenge the brain\eye\muscle coordination. When I got home from the hospital I walked as much as I could (with a cane for the first week). I felt like my eyes needed shock absorbers. Everything bouncing. It almost makes me hurl to think about it. I am sure that you know exactly what I mean. Medically I can't say what actually happens with this therapy but it did help me to improve significantly. Is it perfect now? No but much, much improved. I do notice that at the gym on a stepping type machine that I have to really concentrate on looking at a television on a far wall. Hang in there!  :) -bucko
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: MaryBKAriz on August 11, 2008, 01:20:27 pm

I too have oscillopsia and it is getting better. Vestibular testing revealed why I was having this very annoying symptom. I did various vestibular exercises which helped. So the exercises were escalated, I got worse and worse. By coincidence I stopped doing all my vestibular exercises and I am doing MUCH better. I am doing real life and functioning now. I would do the exercises again if it worsens, but not to such a high degree/ Everyone has to find for themselves what works and what doesn't.  Oscillopsia is frightening and makes life hard. My suggestions are • play around with exercising • get the balance booklet from ANA has some very good exercises in it • if things get worse, back off some.

Take care,

Mary ::)
Title: Re: Bouncing Vision - Any Suggestions
Post by: satman on August 20, 2008, 07:33:15 am
i had that problem and it was called nystagmus/nystigmus,not sure on the spelling,anyway vestibular therapy fixed it.