ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Balance Issues => Topic started by: TOM101 on December 17, 2013, 09:12:48 pm

Post by: TOM101 on December 17, 2013, 09:12:48 pm
I was in watch and wait for 5 years and decided to go Cyberknife. I have had no side affects but recently had a couple of small bouts of vertigo. Has anyone had any vertigo from their AN or is it more an issue of balance? I am about due for my 3rd MRI so far no growth. Went to Dr Chang at Stanford, was an easy process.
Post by: arizonajack on December 18, 2013, 03:16:16 pm
Has anyone had any vertigo from their AN or is it more an issue of balance?

Depends on your definitions. Many have reported one or the other or both and many, unfortunately, equate one with the other.

"Vertigo is an abnormal sensation of motion. It can occur in the absence of motion or when a motion is sensed inaccurately. Spinning vertigo is usually of inner ear origin.

Disequilibrium is a sensation of impending fall or of the need to obtain external assistance for proper locomotion. It is sometimes described as a feeling of improper tilt of the floor, or as a sense of floating. This sensation can originate in the inner ear or other motion sensors, or in the central nervous system.

Positional vertigo is a sensation of spinning that occurs after the patient's head has moved to a new position with respect to gravity."

Quoted from:

I had balance issues (disequilibrium) but not vertigo. I had difficulty walking in a straight line and felt like I was lurching from side to side like walking on a boat. That syndrome disappeared almost a year ago.

I never had dizziness or nausea or that room spinning feeling. In a stationary position (sitting, standing, driving) I had no balance issues at all.

Use the search feature for vertigo in the upper right hand corner of the page and you'll find numerous posts from members who have it, even after surgery or radiation.

Post by: free2be on April 14, 2014, 06:58:43 pm

I too am a little over my three year post CK date from Stanford with Dr Chang. There's a lot on the forum on this and balance issues. I've had true vertigo once since CK. It didn't last and I rather doubt it was from the AN in my case. Now disequilibrium, that's a bit more of an issue, but not too bad. You've done well otherwise after CK? Glad to hear that and welcome.
Post by: john1455 on April 14, 2014, 09:40:35 pm
My AN only gave me disequilibrium (balance) issues (besides the usual hearing loss and tinnitis) but only about a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worse) and I can live with that. I never experienced any vertigo. I am presently 4 weeks post CK and feel the way I was before treatment. Continued good luck on the no growth of your AN; I hope I will have the good results you are having.