ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: Dan on March 26, 2009, 08:15:17 am

Title: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: Dan on March 26, 2009, 08:15:17 am
Hello Everyone,
I haven't posted a new topic in a long time, but today I have good news and have to post it.  6 Months ago I had my 1 year followup MRI and it showed something 3mm in size where the tumor was removed.  The radialogist, my HNO Dr, and Dr where I had surgery all said that it is probably scar tissue, but that it also could be regrowth.  The last 6 months have been terrible, almost every week I thought I had a new symptom (I knew there was nothing new but couldn't help thinking about it).  Last week I had my 18 month post OP MRI and the radiologist said that it may be smaller, couldn't really be sure because there was almost no difference from the last MRI, but no growth(felt a little relieved).  Then I went to HNO and she said the same thing( I felt alot relieved).  Yesterday I went to Hosp. where I had surgery done and they said the same thing as HNO and Rad.(NOW I feel GREAT ;D ;D ;D).   I am supposed to come back in 1 year for another MRI but I don't think I will worry about it as I did the last 6 months.

Dan in Germany feels GREAT.
Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: sgerrard on March 26, 2009, 08:25:53 am
Excellent news, Dan. I cannot believe it has been 18 months since your surgery. Congratulations.

Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: EJTampa on March 26, 2009, 09:12:05 am
Congratulations on your 18 month postie MRI!  Strangely enough, I'm looking forward to my 1 year MRI to see what it looks like in there now.  I only have 11 months and 1 week left to go!
Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: kenneth_k on March 26, 2009, 09:13:54 am
Hi Dan.

Sounds like a load has been taken of your shoulders. I'm happy for you ;)

Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: Syl on March 26, 2009, 10:42:04 am

That is great news, indeed. I get my MRI in another 3 months or so. Hope it's a clean one, too.

Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: Rich56 on March 26, 2009, 10:43:55 am
Hi Dan,

That's excellent news! Now you can relax and enjoy life.

Rich & Scarlett
Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: leapyrtwins on March 26, 2009, 12:47:30 pm
Wonderful news, Dan.  Congratulations!  ;D

Thanks for sharing your relief with us.   I can relate to what you've been going through, but on a much smaller scale.

I'm going to schedule my 2nd annual post op MRI sometime in April or May and although I haven't had any reason to believe I have regrowth, the thought is still in the back of my mind.  I know at some point I'll be stressing about it  ::)

I'm glad everything turned out well for you.

Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: Jim Scott on March 26, 2009, 03:10:15 pm

Congratulations on the good news!  Now, enjoy your life and forget about ANs and MRI scans until next year.  :)

Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: Dan on March 27, 2009, 09:32:16 am
Thanks everyone, I felt so good after I got the news that I signed up for a 10km run on 9 May.  I havent done any jogging since I retired from the army 14 years ago, I'm still in pretty good shape, swimming and bicycle riding.  I'm sure though that with the new energy I can do anything I put my mind into.  Again thanks everyone, Ernie, Syl, and Jane I'm sure you will be just as relieved after your MRIs as I am.

Dan in Germany in training for a 10KM
Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: ppearl214 on March 27, 2009, 09:45:32 am

shame on me for being late chiming in.... been trying to keep up with everyone here but the forums become more active and my poor, old age eyes (with bifocals, mind you....) can't keep up anymore... but.... I didn't want you to go by and think I didn't see this... and wanted to send a hearty congrats to you!  Onward and upward to continued wellness... you know it! Good luck with the run as well! 10k? Impressive!

Title: Re: 12 Month post OP MRI ???? 18 Month post OP MRI, GOOD NEWS.
Post by: wendysig on March 28, 2009, 09:11:28 pm
Dan -
Congratulations on your good news MRI!  I'm glad you are feeling better -- being stressed out is exhausting.

Best wishes,