ANA Discussion Forum

Treatment Options => Radiation / Radiosurgery => Topic started by: jps311 on February 13, 2009, 07:04:15 pm

Title: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: jps311 on February 13, 2009, 07:04:15 pm
Hi everyone its Paul,

So i arrived at the tufts medical center in Boston MA at 615 am and made my way through the GK process. Starting with the medicine and IV. Then i had my frame attached to my head. Which i must say it wasn't that bad. Kind of easy. Just a few pinches and that;s all. Had another MRI and found that my tumor grow more after only 3 months. So having the gamma knife will finally take care of this. God willing.

I must say this that i always felt that my dad was with me throughout this process. Not to forget i have a wonderful family and friends and anawesome wife. But knowing my dad was there really helped take some pressure away. Also thanks for all the input you all have shared with me over the last months. Getting on is the next step.

I feel tired from the meds and my pain is ok. Still ringing in my left ear but still have hearing there as well. I have a follow up appt. in a month and then propabaly another mri. Knowingly that it will be stopped growing and i will start to enjoy the baseball season and walks with my wife.

Thank you again, Paul
Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: carter on February 13, 2009, 09:38:26 pm
i am glad that your day was good.

i take it that your dad has passed?  family is good.

my parayers are with you ... and positive thoughts for teh tumor dieing
Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: sgerrard on February 13, 2009, 09:55:36 pm
Got it done. Welcome back to the forum, postie Paul.  ;)

There will probably be at least one little bump along the way, just to remind you that you used to have an AN, but baseball will be more important - along with your wife, of course.  ;)

Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: Tisha on February 14, 2009, 02:55:39 am
Congratulations on the treatment!  Doesn't it feel GREAT to have it over with and not worry about that part of the journey anymore?  Let us know how everything goes.

Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: Jim Scott on February 14, 2009, 01:55:30 pm

Congratulations on completing the Gamma Knife procedure relatively unscathed, as it were. I can understand your relief at being past this milestone in your AN 'journey'.  Now, rest as needed and then, it's 'Batter Up!'.  :)

Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: ppearl214 on February 16, 2009, 07:36:30 am
Congrats Paul! You are the first AN'er that I know of that had GK at Tufts (not saying you are the first.... only the first one that I have heard) and tickled you are now a "Postie". Please keep us updated to your progress. Many have inquired to me about GK at Tufts and I'd like to follow along with your progress.  Continued wellness wishes to you and again, welcome to "postiehood!"

Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: GRACE1 on February 16, 2009, 08:16:53 am

From one GKer to another, CONGRATULATIONS!!!  The head frame is indeed not that bad.  Take care!!!!

Title: Re: Had my GK today!!!
Post by: jps311 on February 16, 2009, 05:22:13 pm
Hi Phyl,

I will keep you posted if i get any of the post GK side effects. So far i have had none other than to be very tired. But i also had friends and family in and out all weekend.  As for tufts i would recommend it to any who wants GK or the surgery. I met 2 of the great Drs. there. My procedure was pretty painless. I am glad to be a postie but won't be happy till i see that first Mri that tells me that its stop growing or shrinking. Just being a cautious person. I am a results kind of guy. But so far so good. Hearing in tach and still have the ringing in the ear.

If any one has questions about tufts i will answer them as good as i can. My experience was great. Thanks Paul