ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Keri on February 12, 2009, 08:03:06 pm

Title: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: Keri on February 12, 2009, 08:03:06 pm
Hi everyone,

I thought i was doing so well the other day... i'm two weeks post op. I've been walking; some days even feeling fairly normal. On some days i've had these headaches, or neck aches, but they go away with tylenol. Well today that was a different story. it made me feel like this was my worst day since being in the hospital. i have this pain; tightness, tension, something - it is on my surgery sight (like where they put the 'fat' back in my head) and then goes down my neck. I don't know if it feels like swelling or tension or is just some normal post op thing. Like i said, it's been there off and on, all along (but not as bad) but today has been my MAIN PAIN!! nothing seems to be working (my sister who is visiting just gave me one of her muscle relaxers).  I try to do some stretching. That didn't really do anything. Usually when i go on a walk i feel better but today it was such a struggle. there were high winds, and my husband thinks that made me tense up. but it's back and i'm inside. i know maybe i shouldn't be whining 2 weeks post op, but i had felt a lot better! anyway, just wanted to get some feedback on this feeling - where it's tension, swelling, whatever.

Also, does moist heat help this? Exerciising?

Thanks for your thoughts and help! My eye is doing better (with the refresh)... am happy about that. Have facial weakness still as well, but i think some movement is coming back, albeit slowly.

Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: Dog Lover on February 12, 2009, 09:17:36 pm
I remember having bad headaches around that time - I got several massages which helped a lot.
Good luck. It does get better.

Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: Jwh on February 13, 2009, 10:09:50 am

Yup have the same issues.  My neck is so tense and stiff, I think it's giving me headaches.  That just started a couple of days ago!  My mom has been giving me some neck massages - that seems to help a little.  I've noticed that I've been more tired over the last couple of days then before.  Like you, I was thinking the same thing - why was I feeling better before and not now?  I guess it will be up and down for a while.  My incision area is really tight and itchy.  I think it would be part of the healing process.
Hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: Captain Deb on February 13, 2009, 10:59:01 am
Moist heat helps a lot! Get youself a Thermaphore heating pad--the large size works the best because it can cover your whole back and neck area. You can get one at a drugstore that sells medical supplies.

Capt Deb
Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: MAlegant on February 15, 2009, 10:19:33 pm
Go for the moist heat--that helped me a lot.  I also kept doing gentle side to side head turns to keep the muscles from getting "stuck".  Muscle relaxers also helped a bit, but nothing was better than letting time pass.  Massage therapy now keeps it at bay.  I maintain that my neck hurt way more than my head did, except for the first few days post-op. 
Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: lacey7 on February 15, 2009, 10:50:05 pm
I agree with the neck hurting more than the head.  And, it was on and off pain.....and you will have those days like that.  Just be thankful for the good ones, and be prepared for the bad ones for another few weeks.
I haven't seen the machine they must put your head in....but my daughter noticed little holes that were kinda scabbed, two holes next to each other, all the way down my neck and around.  I never would have seen them, but she had a better angle.
You can also just put rice in a towel, and have someone sew up the ends and put it in the microwave, for 3 minutes or more, and that will help.
You will heal up, I promise.  I'm 7 1/2 months post op...and don't hardly think much about it anymore.....except when my year will come up for the MRI.
Please take care, and do what you need to for your neck and head to feel better.
Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: wendysig on February 16, 2009, 05:36:22 pm
I had pretty bad neck pain after my surgery even moreso than my head probably the result of having your head in one position for so long and the fact that you neck muscles on your AN side are retracted.  My neck was very stiff and I could barely turn my head to the left for quite a while, moist heat definitely helped -- I also used ThermaCare Heat Packs (they stick on and stay warm for at least 8 hours) besides taking pain killers and muscle relaxers.  You might try them, they really helped me.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: two week post op today; these headaches and neck aches!
Post by: Syl on February 16, 2009, 05:58:31 pm

I don't think your're wining.

Do get a heating pad. I have an electric heating pad with 3 temperature settings. It works very well for me by applying it to the back of my neck, along with Tylenol. But take it easy with Tylenol. It can damage your liver and kidneys. I've been taking it every day since the headaches began about 2wks after my surgery. I'm 8 months post-op and am currently getting treatment for my headaches. I'm having to take Rx meds to help me get off Tylenol. It seems that some of my headaches may be from my dependence on Tylenol and not from the surgery alone.

My neurologist recommeded I try applying a cold pack to the back of my neck, 5 minutes on and 5 minutes off for about 20-30 minutes. He says I may even find that it works better than the heating pad. It's been too cold so I'm sticking with the heating pad for now.

Good luck.
