ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: kenneth_k on January 21, 2009, 07:26:22 am

Title: Back to work - feeling great
Post by: kenneth_k on January 21, 2009, 07:26:22 am
Hello everyone.

I'm back to work and feeling great ;D It will be part time the first couple of weeks, but I feel confident already.
My face did some weird twitches, but that was from smiling and laughing a whole lot more than I've been doing lately.

Next week I'll be going to my three months check up, where we will discuss the leftover balance issues, possibilities for hearing aid, and the rather annoying metallic taste in my mouth. I won't open an expensive red wine to celebrate, cause it will not taste good anyhow :'(

Thanks for your support so far. You have been great and I've been checking a lot of posts without commenting. I'm not the type to comment what has already been said, and the advices here are top class.

Congratulations on having a new president.

Kenneth, Denmark.
Title: Re: Back to work - feeling great
Post by: wendysig on January 21, 2009, 07:45:41 am
Hi Kenneth!

Congratulations on your return to work!  Starting out part-time is a good idea.  Just remember not to overdo it or your body will remind you you've had major surgery recently.  You will continue to recover at your own pace and if you feel now and then like you've stopped making progress, be patient, one thing I have learned first hand is that the AN experience is a lesson in patience. 

Wishing you only good things,
Title: Re: Back to work - feeling great
Post by: sgerrard on January 21, 2009, 09:44:54 am
Hi Kenneth,

Thanks for the update, you sound good. I bet the metallic taste will go away with time, and the balance issues will resolve as you continue to adjust to it. The SSD is a keeper, though, as you know. What you do about that is up to you.

Good luck with the return to work, you are in the military there if I remember right. Take it easy, if they let you. :)

Title: Re: Back to work - feeling great
Post by: Jim Scott on January 21, 2009, 10:44:33 am

I love reading positive updates...thanks for yours.  I'm sure you'll do fine when you return to work and I trust your recovery will continue to be a good one.  :)

Title: Re: Back to work - feeling great
Post by: leapyrtwins on January 22, 2009, 12:10:44 am
Kenneth -

I'm happy you're back to work and I'm even happier to hear you're feeling great  ;D

I found that part-time was definitely the way to start out.  Make sure you don't overdo it and get too fatigued.  Take it slow.

In my experience the metallic mouth will go away in time - I can't recall exactly how long I had it, but it was months as opposed to weeks.

Hang in there,


Title: Re: Back to work - feeling great
Post by: MAlegant on January 25, 2009, 11:51:16 am
Hi Kenneth,
You're back to work and feeling great?  How cool is that?  Be well, take care of yourself. Thanks for posting--it really helps those getting ready for surgery...