ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => Inquiries => Topic started by: Denisex2boys on January 12, 2009, 08:00:52 pm

Title: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: Denisex2boys on January 12, 2009, 08:00:52 pm
Well I MADE it through my first day of work!!!!  I am just working 5.5 hours per day right now - and this still gives me time to go on my daily rehab walks .... WOOHOO!!!!

But as per usual - - here I am with more questions and concerns.  Here is the latest and greatest woe that I have only noticed in the last 2-3 days ....... it seems the area of numbness is finally decreasing on the back of my head and the incision site ....  I am 12 weeks post-up on the 16th.

I fear I have hit a wall with recovery and I have really not noticed any improvement in weeks now - - balance at times almost seems worse and the other new manifestation is a really, really sore spot on my incision - it almost feels like I literally have a screw loose of something - - or maybe a suture below the skin that has not healed right ????  Oh the woes!  I can physically 'move' this wee hard spot (or I think I can?) - it is a hard spot (boney feeling) and it also makes a sound when I move it (clicking) - of course, if I don't touch it there is no pain - but I really notice it when I scratch (since the regrowth of hair is itchy) - - I go back for a follow-up MRI within the next couple of months and then another exam in April.

I am sure this is just another one of those post-op annoyances one has to learn to live with - just wondered if anyone else noticed this kind of pang?
Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: jazzfunkanne on January 13, 2009, 06:17:27 am
just watch your not doing too much, my balance gets worse if i over do it, and the incision at the side of my head can become painful, i have just leant to pace myself, having said that it is so easy to feel alright and go that extra mile and suffer the next day.
Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: wendysig on January 13, 2009, 07:34:41 am
It could be that the hard spot you are feeling is a spitting suture -- they use sutures under the skin that are supposed to dissolve but sometimes don't and they tend to poke through the skin and cause iirritation.  I don't remember mine clicking but the ones I noticed did feel hard.  Calll you doc and ask to come in if this is the problem --  he will remove whatever spitting sutures you have it will feel much better.  If not, you'll still be in the right place to deal with the problem.

Good luck,
Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: cin605 on January 13, 2009, 11:10:12 am
I do remeber a post a while back about a someone thinking they had a screw loose i will look for it.
Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: cin605 on January 13, 2009, 11:19:40 am
lol it was by wendy under" post op."
Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: Debbi on January 13, 2009, 05:58:20 pm
As Wendy said, it could be spitting sutures (couldn't they come up with more offical sounding term?).  I had that and it was simple to fix - the surgeon just grabbed them with tweezers and pulled 'em right out.  I think Lori could handle it with a pair of needle-nosed pliars ...

As for hitting a wall, be patient.  I know, you are probably sick of hearing that by now...  The recovery process doesn't go at an even pace and having periods where you don't feel like you are making progress is pretty normal.  And, sometimes, the progress is so tiny that it is hard to notice.  I have found that to be particulary try with the facial paralysis.  Just be patient and take it one step at a time.

Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: JohnnyDiaz on January 14, 2009, 09:37:07 pm
Similar issues after my surgeries, I still have a bump on the back side of my head but mine was big and soft. I told my Doc and he said it (dont read if you get grossed out easily)

Brain fluid that should dissipate back into brain.
Headaches pretty much gone but once in awhile when I sleep on that side I get a small one.

Hope this helps...
Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: msmaggie on January 14, 2009, 11:01:04 pm
I am a month out of surgery and I got that big "goose egg" of a soft spot where my incision is, too.  Dr. said it would absorb, but it feels weird! How long does it take before you don't have to worry about CSF leaks?  Sorry. Denise.  I think I just hijacked the thread here! :-\

Title: Re: Incision pain and healing ....
Post by: JohnnyDiaz on January 15, 2009, 06:31:18 am
My Dr. wanted to keep an eye on it the first month - after that I guess the chances for CSF drop considerably. As far as the soft goose egg behind the ear. Mine has dropped to a very small goose egg within a couple of months. He said that it would take about a year for the fluid to get fully absorbed. It is nice because it is easier to sleep on my left side.