ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: andrea in slc on October 17, 2008, 10:02:27 am

Title: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: andrea in slc on October 17, 2008, 10:02:27 am
Yippy! I have a surgery date! Wait, doesn't it seem wrong to be celebrating going in for brain surgery?  ??? ;)  Regardless, November 13 is my day. Relief! Get this thing out of my head and let me get back to my original abnormal state!  ;D

I'm confident with my docs here in Salt Lake - Dr. Frank Warren the neurotologist, and Dr. Mark Reichman the neurosurgeon. I'll be at the new Intermountain Healthcare hospital, which doesn't thrill me much, but oh well. My brother had a HORRIBLE experience there in April in the post-surgery ICU, so I'm hoping they've improved things since then.  :( If not, hey, at least we know what to expect and I'll have enough family around to make sure I'm not forgotten like my poor brother was.

Thanks to everyone here for all the help, support, knowledge, and fun. You guys rock!  ;D ;D

Andrea (walking away shaking my head because I'm actually EXCITED for brain surgery)
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: Kaybo on October 17, 2008, 10:51:51 am
Only in this group would we understand celebrating a date for brain surgery!  Glad you were able to finalize it.  Personally, I would make sure your doc knows your concerns about the care of your brother after surgery and I would also say something when you go for your pre-op.  I have found that the people admitting you for pre-op are VERY accommodating & usually ask repeatedly if there is anything else that they can do - I would just at the end say, "Well, I am a bit concerned about this one thing..."  I would bet that you get outstanding care.  I made sure that EVERYONE (from Dr. to janitor...hee,hee...not really janitor but almost) knew that the anesthia made me INCREDIBLLY ill after surgery...they barely let me have chicken broth - that message did get conveyed!!  The squeaky wheel...
Make sure & put your date on the calendar!

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: wendysig on October 17, 2008, 11:57:18 am
Hi Andrea,
Congratulations on getting your date -- I understand, as we all do, your feeling of relief.  K is right, we are the only people would would agree that this is a cause for celebration! ;D  November 13 will be here before you know it and then you'll be a postie.  Voicing any concerns you have about the hospital or treatment  you'll get in ICUto your doctor now is an excellent idea.  As I'm sure  you realize, it is up to us as patients/consumers to be proactive regarding our care.

Wishing you all the best,
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: MAlegant on October 17, 2008, 12:50:50 pm
Yes, weird as it sounds, I totally cheered when I got my surgery date.  Was really, really excited.  You'd have thought I won something.  Oh wait, I did.  A second chance.
M  :D
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: cindyj on October 17, 2008, 02:00:50 pm
Do know just how you feel, Andrea.  It is exciting to have the date finalized - you can now see an end in sight, of sorts.
Keep us posted!

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: ppearl214 on October 17, 2008, 02:06:18 pm
Hey Andrea..... it's the old "monkey off the back"... the stress of the decision making process is done... and like you, I couldn't wait to have my treatment done. I felt a renewed energy and just kept telling myself that I was ready to beat this dang thing and bring it on (actually, there are posts here in Archives about me saying those exact words when I made my decision).

Congrats to you!  One major stress down... let's get it done, let's get it out.. .let's move forward!

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: AMD on October 17, 2008, 08:58:37 pm
I completely understand your excitement.  Please keep us updated before and after!!!

-Amy :)
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: andrea in slc on October 18, 2008, 07:38:25 pm
Thanks everyone! It makes me laugh that you all totally understand my excitment (I'm sure the nervous part comes later) to get this dang thing out of my head.

K and wendy, thanks for telling me to speak up about my concerns in ICU. I will, for sure! I don't want to be pusing the call button for 45 minutes and not have someone show up!

My husband and I were talking the other day, about how much easier this whole thing would be if we could just get a little plunger and plunge the sucker out of there. So now I have a mental picture of a mini toilet plunger, working up and down on my ear to get the tumor out. Okay, I'll be the first to admit it, I have a strange sense of humor.  ;D ;D

Now, 26 days to get the house in order, my bedroom cleaned up (where oh where to stash all the scrapbooking stuff?) and get all my Christmas shopping done. Yipes!  :o
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 18, 2008, 10:52:36 pm
Hey, Andrea, celebrating with you also  ;D

Yes, we're somewhat of a sick crowd  ;) LOL

Don't forget to put your surgery on the AN Calendar (link at bottom of sgerrard's profile) so we can have LA David remind us to wish you well on your big day.

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: MAlegant on October 19, 2008, 08:17:39 am
Hey Andrea,
I was in such a hurry that I kept asking the doctors to remove the tumor in the office with a little novocain.    That's when I discovered that I was the only one who thought this was funny.  Well, also my husband was ready for the "do it yourself tumor removal kit".  So there are a few of us with a strange sense of humor.  Keep the faith, you're almost there.
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: calimama on October 19, 2008, 09:58:28 am
Good stuff... i think the before-surgery part is actually worse than the surgery itself, even the recovery. Best to get it over with and on with life.

Good luck with getting so many things done so you don't have to stress about that stuff after.

Trish in Toronto, Canada
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: wendysig on October 19, 2008, 01:20:41 pm
I have to say I got a great laugh when I pictured your husband trying to remove your AN with a plunger.  Funny stuff!! ;D

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: sher on October 20, 2008, 01:06:22 am
I am glad that you are on your way to treatment!!!!! Please let me know if I can do anything for you. I am just over the point of the mountain.
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: bell on October 20, 2008, 10:52:51 am
Hi Andrea, I am a fairly new An patient, found tumor in July.  I am also excited about surgery.  Strange having this feeling, but I can not wait until it is out and I can move on with my life.
I have surgery scheduled at the Mayo Clinic, MN Nov. 21srt.   The best of luck to you. Bell
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: Sue on October 20, 2008, 11:16:50 am
Best wishes to you Andrea and I am also happy that you have a surgical date.  There will be a resolution to the problem soon, and hopefully you can then go about your business.  You know, that "Hmmm, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted?" thing.  ;)   

Hoping everything goes smoothly and you will be on the road to recovery soon,

Sue in Vancouver, USA
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: Debbi on October 21, 2008, 12:07:03 pm
Hi Andrea-

Yep, we all know the excitement of getting your date!  Once I decided on surgery (okay, well, it was actually decided for me), I couldn't WAIT to get on with it!  I agree with Trish that, for me, the worst part of this whole thing was the waiting.  Even having a funky smile and no hearing in my AN ear has been easier in some weird way than the waiting.  So, HURRAY for you!  Make sure you get lots of rest and take good care of your body before surgery. 

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: andrea in slc on October 21, 2008, 02:16:16 pm
Thanks everyone. I'm counting down the days! (23 to go) Trying to get tons done before, as you all can relate, I'm sure, and yet get rest. HA! I figure I'll catch up on my sleep AFTER.  ;)
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: cindyj on October 21, 2008, 07:51:26 pm
That's what I'm thinking too, Andrea.  There will be plenty of time for sleep very soon! 

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: LADavid on October 22, 2008, 08:48:25 pm
Hey Andrea
You know it is really an odd thing for someone to say something like -- "I can't wait to have surgery."  But we all get it.  I haven't checked but did you put it on the calendar (on my signature) so we can keep up with you?  Some personal insight -- time will fly before you are there.  It may not seem like it but in retrospect it does.

Best wishes
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: mrgarlic on October 23, 2008, 08:37:24 am
Greetings Andria,  WOW, I have company, My date is Nov 20, the days are going slow, Humor is a pain killer, keep it up. As for the comment on the janitor,,,,, It hit home. While a patient a nurse's aid was adjusting needle in my hand while a "housekeeper" watched. Then she said, "here let me help" I kid you not, she actually tried to help with her filthy gloves on. On the cheerful side, for fun, tuck some small gifts under your blanket, and hand them out after they roll you in . I have had so many surgeries, I look for some ha ha's.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Larry
Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: wendysig on October 24, 2008, 06:57:16 am
I know the feeling of time flying by before surgery -- you want to get so much accomplished before then you go non-stop.  Staying busy with anything really helps and I  feel that was why I was so calm by the say of my surgery.  I'd  done everything I wanted to around the house, gotten together with friends old and new (had lunch with a few people from the forum about a week before surgery), packed a bag for the hospital and just felt ready to get it over with.  The say of my surgery I was a little nervous but felt confident I would have a good outcome -- I was very fortunate and I did.  I hope you feel the same way. 

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Scheduled surgery date!
Post by: Jim Scott on October 24, 2008, 07:35:13 am
Hi, Andrea:

I'm a little late to the surgery date celebration but I can understand your feeling of excitement.  No one really wants to be hospitalized and have skull surgery but when you're presented with the reality of having an acoustic neuroma and the problems it can cause, and you want it out of your head, having a firm date to have it removed is kind of exciting.  We get that, of course, because we've been where you are. 

Like most, I was a bit apprehensive about the possible ramifications of my impending surgery but I had the utmost faith in my neurosurgeon and I prayed a lot along with many others who were praying for me.  I 'let go and let God'.  It wasn't easy because I like to be in control but I really had no choice as the Plunger Method wasn't perfected and besides, my wife wouldn't go for it.  Besides, my neurosurgeon was a highly experienced doctor who had 30 years of AN removal surgery on his resume.  So, I simply trusted God to see me through and to give me the strength to deal with any unfavorable consequences of the surgery.  Oh, there were a few; about 3 days of double vision, some (mild) equilibrium obstacles to overcome, minor 'dry eye' and a tiny numb spot on the side of my tongue.  That was about it.  Once the anesthesia fog lifted and my appetite returned, I was eager to go home.  Once home, I did rest - but not for long.  I dutifully performed  the balance exercises my VNA-physical therapist gave me and after 3 visits she pronounced me no longer in need of her services.  My doctor gave me permission to drive again after two weeks.  Although I tired a bit more easily than I used to, I was able to get out and around and do what I wanted.  Now, over two years later, I'm fine.  I trust you'll have a similar experience but you have to have the surgery, first.  In about 3 weeks, you will.  Lots of folks will be thinking of you, cheering you on and certainly praying for you, Andrea.  I'll be one of them.  :)   
