ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: cin605 on October 03, 2008, 04:26:55 pm

Title: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: cin605 on October 03, 2008, 04:26:55 pm
Lately i have been getting tinnitus in the opposit ear of surgery & also some noise that sounds like someone moving a chain necklace around.Does anyone else have this?
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: ppearl214 on October 03, 2008, 05:14:29 pm
Hi cin,

funny you mention it... I have had it happen since CK, but very rarely. MRI's are clean, so have no clue, for me, why it happens. Will watch this thread to see what others have to say.

Be well,
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Boppie on October 03, 2008, 10:12:35 pm
Yes, I have constant tinnitus in the good ear which occurs with every sound.  Yes, my tinnitus is the sound of a chain necklace.  Sometimes I describe it as the sound of B Bs dropping into a glass jar.  This started post op when I turned on the televison for the first time.  It has never gone away.  It is worse and most annoying when I am tired.  But just mention it and I can hear it there.  For a long time I was determined to avoid it by ignoring it.  Then I became depressed because it wouldn't go away.  Then I decided to only use the telephone for brief periods.  Now I have adjusted and don't give it notice.  I still avoid the phone if possible because most of them are too loud in my ear.  I avoid loud situations with a custom fit ear plug.
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: eugd on January 10, 2010, 08:29:42 pm
has your symptoms went away or became worse? did anything develop as a result of the new symptoms?
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Sue on March 04, 2011, 09:51:01 pm
I noticed that I now have a small hissing tinnitus  in my "good" ear.  I am very bummed, to be frank.  If it gets as bad as the bad ear, I will really be bummed.  Just needed to tell you all that I was bummed!,   >:(

Sue in vancouver, USA
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Syl on March 04, 2011, 10:40:20 pm
I started havving tinnitus in my good ear back in October. It seems be getting louder. It doesn't compare to the noise I have in my AN ear, but I worry.

Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: CHD63 on March 05, 2011, 08:20:04 am
Oh, this is so good to know .....  Several months ago I began noticing tinnitus in my right ear (AN is on left side).  It is not as loud as the AN side, but definitely there.  Like others, the tinnitus is definitely louder on both sides when I am tired or stressed ..... neither of which can I always control.  When I am busy, I can usually put it to the back of my consciousness, but when I am trying to relax and/or going to sleep, it is like a very unpleasant noise machine.  For whatever reason when I am in a loud environment or even not so loud but with many "mixed" noises (many conversations and/or different types of noises ..... fans, soft music, conversation, etc.), the tinnitus is almost overwhelmingly loud.

Believe me, I have signed up for every workshop at the Symposium on tinnitus research.

Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: kzepol on March 05, 2011, 10:37:20 pm
I've been hoping it won't be true, but tinnitus symptoms in my left ear (lost right ear hearing 5 years ago and 7mm AN just dx 3 weeks ago) started about 6 months ago - a machine gun type rat-a-tat-tat happens throughout the day starting when I am first up in the a.m. and moving around getting ready for work, then very prominent in the evening when I'm laying back slightly watching tv. That is what sent me back to my Dr. to further explore possibility I was losing hearing in 'good' ear even though 5 years ago when MRI did not pick up AN, I was told it was very unlikely I would lose hearing in left ear. With what I am going through, I find it hard to believe anything the dr. tells me and I am really learning a lot on this site - Thank You all so much! Question - do any of you with "roaring, 24/7" tinnitus want to strangle the people that say "oh, you mean that little bit of ringing in the ears"? Arghh >:(
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Kathleen_Mc on March 09, 2011, 02:21:04 am
Me too!!!!
I noticed about maybe four years ago that when I lie down, and I lie with the functioning ear to the pillow, I can hear "white noise" (I think that's what they call it) you know like that sound you hear when you put a huge sea shell (conk shell I think it's called) up to your ear. I also perceive a ringing when I'm up and about, keep answering the phone when it's not ringing and at times I get a loud buzz followed by what I believe to be a brief period of deafness in that ear! Really scary stuff. I had an MRI done and it's negative????? ENT believes it's "sympathy tinnitus" for the other ear but it seems so weird to have started so many years after the initial hearing loss.
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Ellen K on May 25, 2011, 08:32:13 pm
I am in w and w with small tumor and ok hearing, but get a thrumming sound in the ear opposite the AN ear. It is almost like I have a winged bug in my ear.  Does anyone else get this?  It is not constant. Thanks and I wish everyone some peaceful quiet.
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Sue on May 31, 2011, 03:06:13 pm
Sympathy tinnitus.   Good grief Grace, I think we all deserve a little break here!!   It scares me to think I might have roaring tinnitus in both ears.  That does not seem very nice of the Universe to heap more noise at us.  What a strange combo...oh you won't hear out of one ear, but oh yes, here is the constant static,whistle, beep, ping, hiss, snap, crackle, pop ( if we wanted that, we'd listen to our cereal!)' crunch and whatever all else our brains have decided to listen to.  Bad brain!  Until somebody tells me that this is somehow good for us, I am bummed and will remain bummed.  I will do my best to live with it, but I am seriously bummed!!!! >:(   Whew, I feel much better now.  ;)

Sue in Vancouver, USA
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: MKLady on June 08, 2011, 07:18:35 am
I am 3 years post translab and suddenly I have ringing in the good ear accompanied by a reduction in sound volume.  It lasts only a second or two, but it is scary.  It has happened 5 or 6 times over the last month.  My doctor says that is nerve related.  I have a hearing test next week to check it out.  I also have my yearly MRI next week.  Hopefully all will be clear and it's just stress or fluid in the ear.  Maybe I can give ya'll some helpful info on this after the tests.


Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: kaykay on June 10, 2011, 05:49:13 am
I get it too. Started the past few months. Can go from a high pitch hum/buzz to a low pitch. just lovely.
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: free2be on August 24, 2011, 03:25:52 pm
It's been a long time since I posted (having read much either); need to just post an update, but found this thread interesting.

I have had some tinnitus in my "other" ear since the CK; however, it is not bad by any means and it comes and goes. No explanation given that one had anything to do with the other. Additionally, the last 2-3 months I have had another sensation in the "other" ear. It's kind of a periodic pop; almost sounds and feels like the ear drum moving. It's hard to explain. It's very annoying when it's happening and don't know what to think of it, but thankfully, it too, is very intermittent.

Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Sue on August 24, 2011, 05:18:06 pm
 i have posted on here twice i think, but Interesting I should see this topic again, when the "other ear" tinitis is bothering me.  I have a sound machine in the bedroom, and with the warm weather we have a fan in there too, but I woke up last night, and I'd swear it was because of the tinnitus!  The AN side is a constant  zzzzzzzzz with variations from high pitched zzzzzzz to a background hisssssssss. The other side tends to match my heart beat, I think, with a pulsing softer zzzz zzzz zzzz.  DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!!   I know we just have to deal with it, but I get a bit weary, don't you??    And it makes me mad.  That is wasted energy, I know, but that is my reaction.  Anger, frustration and well, ANGER.   If I have a grave marker, (probably won't) I want it to say, "Peace and Quiet, at last. "
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: latirus on August 26, 2011, 10:46:06 am
Those of us who are older probably have garden variety, age-related hearing loss in the 'good' ear, which probably leads to tinnitus.  I certainly hope my increasing noises in the good ear has nothing to do with another AN, but I do try not to worry about that and not to listen to the tinnitus.   I used to get angry at the ENT doctors, who seemed to have no sympathy whatsoever, but I now realize doctors probably hate complaints they get all the time that they can't fix.  What can they tell you?   It's good mental health to practice mind control on the tinnitus (might as well, since there's not much else to do) and also on the worry in general.  If you find that your worry is getting to you in spite of your efforts, sometimes a bit of chemical help can remind you of what it's like to feel cheerful.  Most doctors will let you try an SSRI, the newer type of antidepressant.  Different ones work on different people, and you might go through some trial and error.   if you find one that does help, it can get you through a bad patch. 
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: jwporter on September 15, 2011, 09:21:04 pm

I'm new hear. I'm 28 and discovered I had AN in the left ear. I thought it was from listening to loud music and being in bands. Go figure!

Anyway, I know this has to do with post-op ringing, but I also experience tinnitus in my "good" ear. It happened this past winter. And I noticed that it's only real noticeable during cold months. It was fine all summer for example. But this unseasonably cool weather has unleashed the ringing once more. I just had an mri for my AN and the Doctor said there wasn't a tumor on that side....
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: JAndrews on September 18, 2011, 09:02:10 am
I have the chain necklace sound too! I had it prior to surgery and still have it now. I thought I was having tinnitus in the other ear too--turns out its just all "head noise"
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: eugd on October 03, 2011, 08:14:07 pm
Crossover Tinnitus getting worse and more constant  in the good ear, has anyone follow up with a MRI? anyone symptoms go away in the good ear? going for my 5 year at the end of the year. 
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Kathleen_Mc on October 19, 2011, 04:06:40 am
eugd: i had an MRI to check out the tinnitus in my good ear, nothing found., guess I developed this about 17 years after surgery and have had it for around 5 years, unchanged since i noticed it and no "reason" found for it
Title: Re: tinnitus in other ear?
Post by: Troutbc on September 24, 2015, 06:38:30 am
 I have this too! Tinnitus in my good ear started 2 months after surgery to remove right-side AN. I am deaf on the right side now.

Left side tinnitus is mainly upon waking up in the a bb gun as someone else described. Disappears once I get up. Other times, like once a week, i get a 1-2 second buzz in the good ear, then it goes away.  SO annoying. I fear I have another AN but the MRI is negative!!