ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: windy on August 11, 2008, 10:06:32 am

Title: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: windy on August 11, 2008, 10:06:32 am
I wanted to let you know I am back from my GK treatment in Pittsburgh with Dr. Lunsford.  All went well.  I am glad to be home!

I met with a team of three at the Gamma Knife Center at UPMC Presbyterian on Monday of last week.  I had all my questions in mind.  They were all answered.  I requested the Perfexion GK model, as I had read there was less radiation fallout to healthy tissue from this model, as from previous models.  I was told by Dr. Lunsford they would give me 12.5GY around the perimeter of the tumor and double the dose in the center, I believe.  I was instructed to arrive at 5:50 a.m. the next morning.

The procedure on Tuesday was basically as I had imagined.  I had a great nurse who took care of me from beginning to end.  Each person apparently has one nurse the day of treatment.  My nurse was Deborah (sp?).  Early on, I was told given an Ativan to take the edge off.  Later, I was given sedation through an IV.  The head frame was put in place.  I was not quite aware of it being placed on very much, as I was quite sedated.  You can also ask for an additional shot if you can feel pain from the head frame.  I was taken for a MRI with the frame in place.  I was still sedated, for the most part.  Finally, I was taken in a room for the radiation treatment.  I was given a little more sedation through the IV.  I told Dr. Lunsford prior to entering the machine to "do a perfect job".  He stated he would.  Coming out of the machine, I asked if he had done "a perfect job" and he stated he had!  Later, the headframe was taken off.  It was uncomfortable being taken off, but you are still sedated.  At this point, it is all over for the nomal patient.

In my case, I am not the "normal patient".  I passed out after the headframe was removed.  I have fainted several times throughout my life, so I am not totally surprised.  Who knows why it happened.  Anyway, I was awakened by a large team of physicians trying to wake me up.  I could tell by their faces, it was not usual.  I reassured them I was a fainter.  I choose to stay the night at the hospital due to passing out.  I slept most of the day.  I was given Tylenol and Motrin for head pain.  I slept well that night in my private room.  I had a tremendous team of nurses on the 8th floor of the hospital!  I went back to my hotel the next morning.  I felt pretty good that day.

I have not been given steroids, post radiation.  Apparently, it is not their standard procedure.  I still have headaches daily, but not as pressure filled, as last week.  My head feels numb on the left side, still.  I feel pretty well, otherwise.  I was instructed to not use hair products for 10 days, post radiation, due to pin sites.  Since returning home, I have slept great!  I have some fatigue, but not an extreme amount, at all.  Overall, I feel fairly well.  It has not been an absolute breeze, but it has not been terribly hard, by any means.  I am quite thankful.

I am quite pleased to have had treatment with Dr. Lunsford.  The staff at the GK Center and the hospital were great.  I was told that patients come from other countries to have treatment with him.  There was also another lady from Chicago, IL with an AN who was receiving treatment the same day.  Treatments are done Tuesday and Friday.  Three patients received care the day I was there. 

I went back to see the team the day I left.  They were very friendly and surprised I looked so well.  Dr. Lunsford said it is about a chance of 1 in 1000 of passing out.  He said they are usually men.  I was glad to say good-bye and quite thankful all was well and it was over.

I want to thank the terrific group of people on this board who helped support me in my decision making process.  This board is truly invaluable.  As stated before, I would not be where I am today without all of you!  Thank you.   
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsbrugh
Post by: Kaybo on August 11, 2008, 11:42:22 am
Glad you are home and doing well, Windy!!

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsbrugh
Post by: MAlegant on August 11, 2008, 01:59:28 pm
Good to hear the news.  I wish you continued healing as you recover.
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsbrugh
Post by: janz on August 11, 2008, 02:29:49 pm
Have been keeping you in my thoughts. So glad you are home and the GK treatment is behind you.
Take care,
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: Anomar11 on August 11, 2008, 08:30:53 pm
Windy, Congratulations on being finished.  I have been following your posts as I am now in the same boat re: trying to make a decision between GK and CK.  I agree that this forum is invaluable.  I would have never been this far along in the learning process, not to mention the help in calming and gaining perspective.   All the best in your recovery.  Mona
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: sgerrard on August 11, 2008, 11:33:30 pm
Hi Windy,

Thanks for the update, we were wondering about you. It sounds like everything went well, even if you did faint afterwards. Congratulations on becoming a postie.

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: ppearl214 on August 12, 2008, 04:38:24 am
well, windy.... if you fainted, was there someone handsome like Dr. Kildaire (think back folks!) to lift you back up? :)

Congrats you toastie postie! Hoping the GK does the trick... .continued wellness to you!

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: GM on August 12, 2008, 05:05:52 am
Congrats as well on your procedure!  Glad to hear all went well.
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: Jim Scott on August 12, 2008, 01:16:26 pm

I'm so pleased to learn that your GammaKnife treatment went well and you're back home.  The fainting episode was admittedly a bit scary, at least for the doctors, but obviously not a real problem.  Let's hope and pray for total success, now.

I'm always pleased to see that the website and the folks that post on the forums have helped another ANer. 

Now, don't be a stranger.  :)

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: cindyj on August 12, 2008, 02:28:18 pm
Glad your treatment is done, Windy, and beyond the feinting, seems like things went very well. 

Good job!

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: Pooter on August 12, 2008, 04:13:02 pm
Congrats on being done.  I am glad that, aside from the faiting, things went well.  As others have said, don't be a stranger!

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: MAlegant on August 13, 2008, 08:16:28 am
I remember Dr. Kildare.  If he were there, I would have fainted as well. Sigh....
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: windy on August 13, 2008, 08:48:12 am
Yes, I do remember Dr. Kildaire, as well.  If he was there, I was too out of it to tell!!  I did see a very large team of physicians/staff circled all around my bed, but I was only awake for moments when I saw them.   

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: Debbi on August 13, 2008, 08:52:44 am

Thanks for such a great account of your GK experience - this will be very helpful for others considering GK.  I am glad that all went well (not withstanding the fainting, of course!) and hope that your recovery continues to be smooth as silk!

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: MAlegant on August 13, 2008, 09:21:45 am
BTW, am I the only one who thinks it's funny that it's the men who usually faint?  ;D  No offense intended, Jim, Brian, Steve and the rest of the guys....
Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: Nancy Drew on August 13, 2008, 09:38:16 am
Hi Windy,

Great news.  I hate that you  fainted, but if you are going to faint it's best to be surrounded by a good medical team!  Sounds like you were in good hands.  I am still working on my GK decision.  Just a few more docs to see, and then I will go from there.  You are an inspiration to all of us who are considering GK.  Keep posting and best wishes for continued success.

Title: Re: Back from Gamma Knife Treatment in Pittsburgh
Post by: leapyrtwins on August 13, 2008, 03:38:22 pm
Windy -

glad to hear that things went well  ;D
