ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => Inquiries => Topic started by: danalynn on May 09, 2008, 10:04:51 pm

Title: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: danalynn on May 09, 2008, 10:04:51 pm
Has anyone who did not have tinnitus prior to treatment develop tinnitus after having radiation treatment?

I developed tinnitus just prior to treatment and am wondering if I had made my decision sooner, would I have avoided developing it at all.

Just wondering.
Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: ppearl214 on May 10, 2008, 04:48:33 am
Hi Dana,

I just backtracked through your posts... have you had treatment already? I know back in March, you were researching Stanford and Dr. Chang.... please tell more so we can properly answer.

In my case, yes, my tinnitus did enhance slightly immediately post-CK, then calmed back down.

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: Jim Scott on May 10, 2008, 08:00:05 am

I had mild tinnitus prior to my surgery and it seems to have remained at about the same level.  I didn't expect it to disappear because I had surgery but I really didn't expect it to increase, either.  I'm sorry yours did. 

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: sgerrard on May 10, 2008, 08:52:08 am
I don't know if there are any statistics on tinnitus and ANs, but my impression is that it is a badge of membership in the AN club, and that just about every AN patient winds up with at least a little bit.

That, or the population of crickets in the world has gone way up. :)

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: danalynn on May 11, 2008, 05:13:20 pm
Yes, I did receive radiation treatment at Stanford at the end of April.  During the course of my email correspondences with Dr. Chang, I asked if I could put off the treatment for a few months after my kids were out of school.  His response was that you never know when your symptoms will worsen or when new ones will arise.  So, I chose to get treated right away.  Unfortunately, after being free from having tinnitus until just one month or so prior to my treatment, it kicked in.  I have had an AN for at least 3 years, but didn't know it as the radiologist missed it on my MRI 3 years ago. 

So, I was wondering if there are those with ANs that never develop tinnitus, since I didn't have it until now.

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 11, 2008, 06:39:36 pm
Dana -

I never developed tinnitus before or after my AN or my AN surgery.  It's possible that I will develop it somewhere down the line, but it's also possible that I won't.

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: sgerrard on May 12, 2008, 12:50:23 am
I never developed tinnitus before or after my AN or my AN surgery.  It's possible that I will develop it somewhere down the line, but it's also possible that I won't.

Hey Jan, wanna trade my tinnitus for your BAHA?  :D

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 12, 2008, 07:07:55 am
I never developed tinnitus before or after my AN or my AN surgery.  It's possible that I will develop it somewhere down the line, but it's also possible that I won't.

Hey Jan, wanna trade my tinnitus for your BAHA?  :D


It's still early in the day and my eyes aren't really opened yet - nor is my brain fully functional - but that doesn't sound like a fair deal to me  ;D

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: danalynn on May 12, 2008, 08:39:11 pm
Thank you for your responses.  I have another question, which may seem silly, but... is irritability a symptom of AN, or have I just become a crabby housewife?  I remember talking to my doctor about this a few years back, and she commented that it was probably hormones.  At my next annual appointment with the doctor, I mentioned that it was getting worse and that my mood swings did not correspond with my 'hormonal schedule".  She prescribed a medication for depression, which I did not take as I don't have any symptoms of depression.  At my most recent appointment, we discussed it again, and she prescribed another depression medication which I thought I should just give a try.  It's been several months and I notice no change, as I still find myself to be very irritable.  Is it just me, or has anyone else with an AN experienced this? 

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 12, 2008, 08:50:23 pm
Dana -

I was somewhat irritable during my recovery from surgery, since I was very tired and at times frustrated by little things I couldn't automatically do.  But since you didn't have surgery, that wouldn't apply to your situation.

The only other irritability I have experienced is in relation to my SSD.  I just have not adapted well at all and it makes me extremely grumpy  :(

Other than that, it hasn't been an issue for me.

Is it possible you just need more sleep?  Ever since my diagnosis and surgery, I haven't slept well.  Maybe you haven't either.

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: danalynn on May 13, 2008, 09:45:39 pm

I'm sure you're right - with three kids and a husband that travels weekly, I don't get nearly enough sleep! 

I have to say, I am amazed at the number of replies you post to the many people with questions.  You must get very little sleep yourself!  It's wonderful how you and many others try to guide those with AN's and I want to say Thank You to you and everyone else who have provided so much information and guidance about ANs. 

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 13, 2008, 10:18:57 pm
Dana -

I do get very little sleep, but it just goes with the job description of mom.  Selfishly I admit I have days when I just can't wait for my kids to be off to college so I can have the house all to myself.  I have big plans to call in sick to work on a regular basis and sleep until noon - just don't tell my boss  ;)

I really enjoy the forum and I find it so valuable and rewarding to interact with others who can relate to what I've gone through.  I remember how frightening it was to be told I had "a growth" in my head.  I also remember being told how rare it was and I remember feeling like no one really understood what I was dealing with.  When I went for my first post op appointment to have my stitches removed, I just happened to pick up a brochure from the ANA that was on the table in my doctor's waiting room.  I almost missed it completely.  I wish I would have found the ANA and the forum much sooner than I did.  Every time I see my doctor now, I mention the ANA and remind him how he needs to tell AN patients about it. 

Another thing I love about the forum is being able to log on and read about things I never knew anything about.  I've learned a lot in the past year about GK, CK, BAHAs, NF2, etc.  It's been a real education. 

Having an AN has moved my life in an entirely different direction than I ever imagined.  I think lots of AN patients feel the same way.

I have been helped tremendously by the people on this forum, and if I in turn can help others, I think that's a great thing.

Thanks for the thank you,


Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: Jim Scott on May 15, 2008, 02:27:56 pm

Doctors that use 'hormones' as a catch-all 'diagnosis' for fatigue they can't fully explain, are frustrating.  I suspect that the AN triggers our body's natural defenses, which sap our strength.  Of course, a lack of sleep is usually a sure way to invite irritability.  Add to this, the fact that you know you have an acoustic neuroma.   A stress-inducing reality if there ever was one!

Hope you feel better, soon.  :)

Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: Debbi on May 15, 2008, 03:12:17 pm
I agree that "hormones" seem to be a overused catch-all phrase - hmmpphh! 

What I can say, for myself, is that stress can cause severe crankiness.  And, if having an AN isn't stressful, I'm not sure what qualifies.  :o  I don't have an easy remedy fo stress, although I do find that steady, deep breathing can help, as can some visualizations (mine is sitting alonside a beautiful canal in Venice, smelling the aromas of cooking and listening to the genlte schwoosh of the gondoliers passing by ... ahhh...)

Debbi - sitting by my canal....
Title: Re: Tinnitus post treatment?
Post by: yardtick on May 15, 2008, 03:45:23 pm
Oh Debbi,

When do we leave?  We will have to talk to are Captain the next time she checks in.  I'm sure our cruise director won't mind ;D

Laz, are you with us?

Anne Marie