ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: cajungrl37 on April 06, 2008, 09:47:38 pm

Title: With gratitude to you all
Post by: cajungrl37 on April 06, 2008, 09:47:38 pm
  Hi there,

    It has been quite a while since I visited the site, still amazes me how so many are being diagnosed with AN.  I am 3 years post-op AN (4 cm), with SSD on the left.  To all the newbies, this is great site to get info and people with knowledge that I wished I had before my surgery.  I found this site after my surgery, it helped me to learn what I could expect or experience.  I didn't post often, more or less just read.  I have gone through ALOT since my surgery.  I did go through the depression and angry phase, sometimes, still do.  Not even a year after my surgery, I lost my mom to breast cancer, then a few months after that my fiance broke off our engagement.  Seems like I lost everything all at once, my hearing included.  I still pop in a read in the forum, it has been helpful in many many ways.  It helps to know that you are not alone. Everyone's words of wisdom and encouragement, has gotten me through some rough days, and even though I am not quite out of the woods yet, I know i can always come here to this forum and find that silver lining.  So, thanks to this forum and the caring people that do know what you are going through.

Title: Re: With gratitude to you all
Post by: waypoint on April 06, 2008, 10:28:34 pm
Hang in there Cajungrl37. You've got a friend in all of us even though many of us have never met.  I've always looked at my AN as life changing, not life ending.  I truly believe this has made me a stronger person by facing this AN and getting through it. Good luck to you and I pray for your happiness.
Title: Re: With gratitude to you all
Post by: Kaybo on April 07, 2008, 06:00:15 am
Hi! I don't think we've crossed paths before.  Looks like we are about the same live in NO, right?  I am in Texas.  Sounds like you have had a LOT on your plate recently.  Glad you feel you can check in her -- there is always so much support and information, not to mention humor!!   ;D
I have unlimited long distance and would love to chat with you if you ever just need someone to talk to that has been there -- just send me a PM.
Also, you can check out my blog & see what life is like for me 12 years AFTER surgery (the address is below)!
Title: Re: With gratitude to you all
Post by: Debbi on April 07, 2008, 07:47:16 am
Hey Leah-

Thanks for popping in.  They say that God never puts more on your plate than you can handle, but sometimes you have to wonder...  Just keep looking forward, though.  And, come visit whenever you're feeling down - this is an amazing and supportive community.  As I approach surgery, my new friends on this site help me every day.

Debbi - counting down in NJ
Title: Re: With gratitude to you all
Post by: Jim Scott on April 07, 2008, 01:59:26 pm
Hi, Leah:

Thanks for 'stopping by'.  :)

The AN journey is complicated enough without the additional challenges you've endured the past few years.  My sincere condolences on the loss of your mom. 

Frankly, I suspect that your former fiancé suffered the greater loss when he broke off the engagement.  That was, no doubt, depressing but possibly liberating, even if it didn't seem so at the moment.  I'm sure you'll find someone even better to spend your life with, or, more likely, he'll find you.  It seems to happen that way when you least expect it.

I'm so glad to learn that this forum has been uplifting for you.  That's the beauty of it.  Like putting messages in a bottle and throwing them into the ocean, we post and - with the exception of the direct responses on the thread - we can never even know exactly who is reading our messages.  The 'lurkers' (forum readers like you that post infrequently, themselves) are often encouraged by someone's message, which is one reason why I post here.  It was good of you to verify that.  Thanks.  :)

Try to stay strong Leah - and please don't be a stranger here.  We care about you.
